Showing posts with label stabbing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stabbing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who Killed Antonia Yager?

Antonia, or Toni, Yager was found deceased in her apartment in Los Angeles, California in December of last year. Her murder is, as of yet, unsolved, and someone recently asked for my take on it. So I will see if the cards will shed any light on Toni's case.

The question I posed was, "Who killed Toni Yager, and why?" We have a main focus of the Knight of Cups crossed by Justice. As the knight is upside right, we will assume he is friend, not foe. Justice, as an entity and an institution, is involved, and is a force that challenges the Knight of Cups, somehow. In the background of the situation, we find the Knight of Wands, reversed, who I think is a likely suspect as the murderer. He is a man, perhaps a few years younger than the victim, and has an attitude of jealousy and likes to start arguments. Also in the background and past of this is the two of cups, which is a partnership of sorts. This tells me that either the reversed Knight of Wands had posed as a friend of Toni's, or had been involved with someone who was her friend. An element of abused partnership and trust exists. The Page of Cups appears as the motive, and I think it is what the killer wanted but did not get......some sort of gift, grant, or endorsement. Toni was seen as the Queen of Pentacles.......generous and rich, and someone thought they could get an affirmative answer from her about something, while she wanted to either think or ask others, first.

In the place of fears, we find the Tower. This card describes oppression and imprisonment, and is an appropriate fear for the perpetrator in a crime like this. The next card is the seven of wands, which tells us that the perpetrator is, for the moment, protected by privacy, both because he wasn't seen, and because no one has spoken up about any suspicions or de facto knowledge of the crime. This killer is hoping to move on, but for some reason, cannot do it right away without either being too obvious, or getting discovered. He has failed in his ambition, but is temporarily locked into the position he was in before he committed the murder. This is supported by the last card, which is the nine of cups, reversed. When the nine of cups falls reversed, it suggests plans that are not well thought out, and material losses. Look for someone who is either discreetly preparing to move residence, or sell his property.

Hopefully, Toni Yager's murder will be solved soon.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Who Killed Tracy Lynn Kirkpatrick

On March 15, 1989, seventeen year old Tracy Kirkpatrick was found stabbed to death at her Frederick, Maryland part time job at a shopping center. My question for the cards is "who killed Tracy, and will there be justice?"

The first two cards here are Temperance, crossed by the two of swords. This shows that there was a harmonious partnership and combination in Tracy's life, and the two of swords is a card of temporary truces and stalemates, so this would hardly fit in with the scenario of harmony! Unless....someone was quietly waiting for mishaps or relationship problems, in order to influence Tracy's decisions. This gives us a basic backdrop, of sorts, for exchange that led to the murder.

We find the five of cups beneath this. This is rejection and disappointment, with the rejected party failing to look at anything else. It is also cited here as a motive. The next card is the Moon, which is mystery, betrayal, deceit, and actions carried out under the cover of darkness, both literal and figurative. The ace of swords follows of the heels of the Moon, and it describes force, lots of force, both in love and hatred. This card often appears in readings about subjects who have been stabbed. Following this, we have the Hierophant. The Hierophant is the card of the conformist, and here, I think we are being told that the murderer is someone who can conform very well, and pretend to be an upstanding member of society. He has the "cover" of social approval, and over twenty-six years, has not had one worry about accountability. Not one. 

The state of the investigation right now is described by the Fool, the card of beginnings. This gives us all an idea of where the investigation of Tracy Kirkpatrick's murder actually sits. It has not actually taken any direction, toward any viable suspect, and this suspect is still at large. The card which is given to describe public opinion, and the surrounding details of investigators, themselves, is the eight of pentacles, reversed. This is no surprise. When the eight of pentacles falls reversed, it speaks of lackluster work done by lazy, untalented people. The seven of swords reversed in the place of hopes shows us a snapshot of Tracy's community hoping that someone competent will one day start the process for justice in this case. The last card is the eight of cups, showing that justice will be delayed indefinitely unless the community gives the police in Maryland a lot of pressure to make an arrest.