Showing posts with label safe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safe. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Is Kyron Safe Somewhere?

Here is a comment that came to me yesterday: "Looks like the ex-stepmother has finally decided to speak out and give an interview. Is Kyron safe somewhere?" The question has tugged at many hearts over the past five and a half years, since Kyron Horman disappeared from his second grade class at Skyline Elementary in Portland, Oregon. The question now deserves a closer look.

This reading starts with the three of swords, crossed by the nine of pentacles, which, in this case, is read reversed. When the three of swords falls reversed, it often indicates, in addition to infighting and strife, a meeting with someone who has been compromised by the subject. The nine of pentacles, when reversed, tells of voided projects, lost friendships, and sometimes, the loss of family or home. This seems consistent with the situation of Terri Horman, Kyron's former stepmother. Beneath this, we get the Page of Swords, reversed. This refers to a factor in the past, and the Page of Swords reversed often shows unpleasant surprises, for which someone involved is not prepared. People and circumstances did not proceed the way the perpetrator had expected.

Another card describing past events is the Fool, reversed. This is telling us that bad choices, and bad decisions were made, perhaps in relation to the events foreshadowed by the Page of Swords. Kyron's disappearance was planned, because someone had been compromised by him, and something went completely wrong. The person responsible for the crime did not have a reliable "Plan B".

The possible future shows us the World, which is an encouraging card to see here. This card foretells success and triumph. On more basic levels, it can also tell of travel. It is followed by the Queen of Pentacles, and as she falls upside right, I will assume, for the time being, that she is friend, not foe. She is an adult female who values security, particularly financial security, and stability. Her symbols are related to Earth; farming, ripe fruit, agriculture. I would expect her to have an olive complexion and dark hair and eyes. Her presence, is as of yet, unexplained.

The first card on the staff is the three of pentacles. This is the card of the craftsman; the job well done. Sometimes, it also describes a person or a indicates wealth. It is in the place of self image and fears, and shows a fear of these elements. Is someone afraid that money will talk louder than blood or justice? The next card, in the place of environment and personal connections, is the Queen of Wands, reversed. I think this is a rather obvious reference, but I will go ahead and describe the character on this court card, anyways. The Queen of Wands is often blond, or red headed. She is passionate and active when upside right, but when she falls reversed, as she has here, she is jealous and cruel. Yes, this is the person who can tell us exactly where to find Kyron. The next card is Strength, reversed, which speaks to abused authority. The Queen of Wands took it upon herself to do something she did not have the legal or personal right to do, yet others thought that she did! She took advantage.....

The last card in the reading is the King of Pentacles. This is a man who, like his counterpart, the Queen of Pentacles, enjoys stability and security. I would expect him to look like his Queen, olive with dark hair and eyes. Also like the Queen of Pentacles, he falls upright, so it can be deduced that he is friend, not foe. A lot depends on him, here. He has control of the situation right now. Once again, like all of the readings I have done for Kyron in the past, his death has not been detailed. I also find it very interesting that two court cards from the same suit, pentacles, have appeared in present and future positions in this reading. This aspect, in addition to the World, would suggest very strongly that the answer to this question is yes, Kyron is somewhere safe. I hope that I am is possible that I have missed something, it is possible that my wishful thinking interfered.....but that is my interpretation of this reading.

With each passing day, a missing persons case gets more difficult for law enforcement to solve. In a case involving a stranger who either kidnaps an adult or a child, if the stranger intends to kill the victim, this usually happens within the first three hours. Kyron has been missing for over five years. If, as the reading suggests, he is still with us, he is not a seven year old anymore. He would be thirteen, and his appearance would be very different. If you know anything about Kyron's current whereabouts, will you please call the number on the poster above, and let someone know?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012