Showing posts with label property. Show all posts
Showing posts with label property. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Why Is Terri Horman Speaking After Five Years?

Terri Horman, former stepmother of missing Kyron Horman, the second grader who disappeared from his school in Portland, Oregon, in 2010, has opted to grant an interview to People Magazine, after five years of silence. She has been a person of interest in Kyron's case since the summer of 2010, and has failed at least two polygraphs. She now insists that she was not involved in Kyron's disappearance. But why wait five years to address the media? Let's ask the Tarot.

This reading begins with the Page of Cups, crossed by the ten of swords. The Page of Cups is a young person, who probably has not had much experience in life, and has some idealistic notions that border on dilettantism. This person has also had an influence on Terri, and may be the one who convinced Terri to speak publicly. Judging from the shadow cast by the ten of swords, I am going to guess that this was a huge mistake; on the part of the Page of Cups, and on the part of Terri Horman. The ten of swords speaks to things that end in ruin.

In the distant past, we have the Tower, reversed. This describes oppression and imprisonment, and Terri Horman has stated that she does, in fact, see her life that way. Moving along to the not so distant past, we have the two of wands. This card tells of an effort to manage one's affairs, and control one's house. Terri wants to take control of her situation, and up until now, she has not had control. Her other goal, as shown in the next card, the ace of swords, reversed, is to overpower the negative press she has received from law enforcement, Kyron's family, and Kyron's supporters. This is still not within her reach.

The next card we get is the King of Swords, reversed. This is a powerful, middle aged or older man. As he falls reversed, I would expect him to be adversarial to Terri, almost to the point of becoming unjust. Her opinion, anyway, will be that he is unjust. The King of Swords is often involved in law or law enforcement, and Terri can bet her bottom dollar that someone involved in those fields is listening to every word she says. This king has had enough of waiting patiently for Kyron's case to resolve.

The first card on the staff is the ten of wands, reversed. This tells us that Terri feels that her separation from her youngest child, Kiara Horman, who was only a baby when Kyron disappeared, is unjust. She is rightly concerned that she will never have an actual relationship with her daughter. The next card, describing the surroundings and environment, is the seven of swords. This is the act of taking something that does not belong to one, or of attempting to declare something "finished" when it is not. Once again, the control Terri wants to exert is not within her grasp. The next card, in the place of Terri's fears, is the King of Pentacles, reversed. This is a man who is talented in business, but uses his talents for abusive or dishonest purposes. Right here, I drew another card, asking what this king's role in Terri's affairs would be, and I got Judgement, reversed. Upside right, Judgement tells of renewal, and resolution. Since the card has fallen reversed, it describes a man who does not actually want those things for Kyron Horman's case. The last card is the six of cups, reversed. This card sees Terri clinging to the past. Not only is Terri clinging to outworn sentimentality; there is property and money to which she would like to cling.

So there we have it. Terri wants control of her involvement in Kyron Horman's missing persons investigation, and she wants to regain property and other odds and ends from her past. I could not help but notice that nothing in the reading suggested that she might be trying to find Kyron.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

August Reiger

Just over a year ago, in June of 2013, a young man named August Reiger, from Oklahoma, was visiting Ecuador with his family. While they were hiking, he got ahead of them, and that was the last time they saw him. I had not heard about this case until recently, when someone asked me, in a comment under another reading, if I would do a reading for him. 

The reading starts with the seven of cups crossed by the Lovers. Here we have a number of possible ideas and pursuits, and one choice. The Lovers often represents a relationship, but also important choices. Here, it's message has to do with choosing between unexplored and unknown possibilities. Both cards, curiously, relate to water. 

Beneath this is another watery card, the Moon. This tells of secrets, deliberate deception, bad luck, and possibly stalkers and secret enemies. Many Tarot decks also portray a wolf and a dog on this card, and my eyes were drawn to them, here. The wolf is the canine in his wildness and glory; the dog is the canine's development after living with Mankind. I believe the suggestion here is twofold: use resources that are both conventional and unconventional to search, and on the mundane level, use search and rescue dogs! The moon is also led by intuition. 

The next card describing the past is the nine of wands. This card's general meaning has to do with waiting and patience, sometimes the lack thereof. Because August was hiking when he disappeared, I think there is a practical message here about branches and possibly tripping or falling in or among trees or branches. The next card is a bit disturbing; the seven of wands. This tells me that private property, or some bit of acreage that was perceived as private property, or someone's "territory", somehow became part of this picture. Next, we find the Page of Swords, reversed. Reversed or upright, this card often tells of spying and gathering information. It would appear that information is involved, and that perhaps, by accident, August saw something or someone that others had intended to keep hidden. Reversal of this card refers to unforeseen events, and I think August's presence was a surprise to someone.

The first card on the staff is the two of wands. As a situation, it tells of help in specific pursuits, and as a place, it describes a large house, or a manor. The owner of this "manor" does not see himself as subject to any local laws. The five of cups follows, in the place of environment. Disappointment is indicated here, yet not without hope of partial resolution. We also have the reference to water on this card, and a large house or a "manor" in the background. The next card deals strictly with hopes, and it is the ten of cups. This is a card of familial bliss, and it is the hope of those who are searching for August. The last card is the one I really hate to see in readings about missing persons, and that is the ten of swords. It is a violent card, and often tells of endings. Aside from the water references, that is the only card here that suggests that we may not have a happy ending here. I sincerely hope I am wrong. It appears that August is on private property near a river or some other body of water. I hope he is home soon.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Maura Murray

Maura Murray disappeared in New Hamphsire, after a car accident, in February of 2004. Nine years later, no one has found her. Someone asked me to see what the Tarot has to say, so here is a reading. The ace of swords, reversed, crossed by the five of cups describes what happened to Maura. The ace reversed often speaks of too much power leading to obstacles, and in mundane, or physical reality, it could mean too much power in a car or other machine was applied, causing other problems. The five of cups simply refers to that which was left behind. Also, I think may be telling us that there was a bridge that was somehow important back in February of 2004.

The seven of wands appears in the distant past, telling us that privacy has somehow become an issue, and that certain searches will not be carried out and information and questions will not be shared or answered with proper warrents and due process of law. Also in the past, we find the Empress, who is the "mother" in the Tarot, and she represents an event that took place in relation to the disappearance, itself. Marriage and fertility are matters relating to the Empress, sometimes, also, fertile land for farms and fields.

The Fool appears as a possibility, reversed. Upright, he would be telling us that someone is ready to reopen the case and start looking in new places for Maura, but reversed, he says that no one is interested in new ideas to solve her case or find her. Another card that comes up is the King of Swords, which represents authority, law enforcement, and sometimes military affairs. Since the card is upright, I will assume he is kindly disposed toward Maura and interested in helping her come home. Perhaps a military engineer or someone involved in law enforcement actaully will find Maura's remains or clues and insist upon follow-up.

The four of wands, reversed, comes up in the place of fears and negative feelings. This card speaks of happy celebrations, such as weddings, even in reversal. Could Maura have wandered to a park, or an abandoned place where such events were once held? Once again, as in the five of cups, we have a "castle", or a big building that is prominent on the property, on this card. For the current environment, we have the six of wands, reversed, which tells of the delay of an actual search in the right place. Possibly....back to the Empress.....could she have created the delay? The eight of pentacles appears reversed in the place of fears, highlighting a worry about the ability to make money and work if a search were to take place, and we conclude with the King of Cups, reversed, who represents scandals, coverups, and lies.

The situation which led to Maura's disappearance may well have not been deliberate, but for some reason, a deliberate coverup involving a woman of childbearing years and a man old enough to run a business has taken place. These two individuals have stopped anyone from finding this young woman.