Showing posts with label pentacles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pentacles. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2013

How Can The Skelton Boys Be Found?

Andrew, Alexander, and Tanner Skelton were last seen with their father before Thanksgiving of 2010. A reading I did for them earlier told us in no uncertain terms that deceit was a factor, and the father has not cooperated in locating them. Someone recently asked me if I would update the reading, since we just passed the third anniversary of their disappearance.
The best question I could think of is pretty simple: how can these boys be found? The first two cards we get are the Devil, reversed, crossed by the three of cups. This speaks of a violent or untimely end to something that was not violent or malicious. At the base is the six of swords, reversed. As this card indicates travel in it's upright position, it tells us, as it has fallen reversed here, that the boys never got terribly far from their father's home, and that there has not been a lot of movement in the case in a long time. This is followed by the Knight of pentacles, reversed. He is a man who is inclined, when reversed, to be unproductive and unreliable. He also deliberately slows things down; he is purposefully impeding this investigation. Earth is the element of pentacles, and that should not be overlooked either. Earth plays a role.
The five of wands, reversed, comes up next, in the place of possibilities. When this card falls reversed, I always expect to see contradictions and dishonesty, and this fits right in with the reversed Knight of Pentacles. His contributions to this have been, up to this point, games. Next, we have the seven of swords, reversed. Upright, this card is a card of wrongful taking, and inability to complete the wrongful taking, or taking on a task that is not fitted to the taker, and cannot be completed for that reason. Reversed, it means refers to good directions or good legal counsel. As we find it in the place of things that will come, in the future, we can be hopeful that someone will find better information soon.
In the place of fears, we find the Wheel of Fortune. Whoever took the boys feels quite lucky at having gotton away with it, so far. Environment is represented by the Lovers, reversed. This is a strange card for an environment of three missing boys; but I think it has more to do with the perpetrator that it does with them. The card seems to be describing a location connected to lovers' quarrels and disputes within a relationship important to the perpetrator. Perhaps a place that was used to just sit and think, after a serious argument. The King of Swords appears in the place of hopes, and as court cards in the suit of swords are often law enforcement, lawyers, or judges, I believe this is a member of law enforcement trying to find the boys. The reading ends with the Hierophant, reversed. The boys will be found by using unconventional methods, or by taking an unconventional tip or idea seriously.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Update For Daniel James O'Keeffe

Daniel James O'Keeffe is still missing, and someone asked for some pinpointed information, and I will do my best. The question had to do with where O'Keeffe is located, and when he will be found.

The first three cards, the past, are the Knight of Pentacles, reversed, the Queen of Pentacles, reversed, and the three of swords, also reversed. When the Knight of Pentacles falls reversed, he often describes carelessness or laziness on the part of a young man. This knight is also accompanied by the queen of the same suit, also reversed. When the Queen of Pentacles falls reversed, we often see a woman whose duties are neglected and who is overly dependent on others for resources. These two are a couple. Unfortunately, one of them has compromised the other, as indicated by the next card, which is the three of swords, reversed.

For the present, we have the nine of swords, reversed; Death, and the eight of swords, reversed. The nine of swords reversed tells always of worry, but sometimes of false imprisonment and of being literally trapped in a situation or a location. Death generally does not refer to physical death, but to a major change, which would be happening either now or very soon. Sometimes, it does refer to death; but that is only a message that is given when all parties are able use the information for growth and understanding. The eight of swords follows this, and this card is also reversed. Upright, it also refers to a state of being trapped, somehow; reversed, it means quite the opposite. These three cards tell a story segment of having been trapped in a place or in a situation, but a very major change turning the situation around. I will keep my fingers crossed that it is for the positive.

The future gives us the five of swords, reversed, which is vengeance and possibly, defeat of some kind. Who wanted revenge on Daniel? The King of Pentacles also figures here, and since he is upside right, I will assume he means Daniel well. He is, for good or for ill, involved in finding Daniel, but Daniel is not entirely keen on this, for reasons that are not entirely clear. The last card here is the six of pentacles, reversed, which indicates money owed somewhere. This may be how the King of Pentacles figures; Daniel....or James, if he is called James, needs to be aware that he is safe if he comes home.

It is hard to lay a time estimate on events described in reading; what I call soon may be what others call distant. What the Tarot calls soon may be centuries from what we call soon, but the three cards for the "present" in this reading showed some changes either now, or very "soon", (there's that word, again!) so I would not give up on this case.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Can The Ayla Raynolds Case Be Solved?

Ayla Reynolds has been missing for over a year and a half. The case appears to be going cold. I have had a couple of requests for updates, so here is the question I put to the Tarot: how can this case be solved?
What an unusual reading! Every, single card came up reversed! And the reading was very heavy on cards from the suit of pentacles! Okay, the first three cards, representing the past, are the eight of pentacles, the Page of Pentacles, and the ten of pentacles. The eight of pentacles is the card of the apprentice, and represents hard work in order to learn a trade. Since the card is reversed, I think it is safe to presume that someone who was NOT interested in working or leaning a trade is involved, here. It's distinctly possible that someone key to the situation had recently become unemployed. The Page of Pentacles is a similar message, only indicates a person, rather than a situation. This could be a child, however. The last card to tell us of the past is the ten of pentacles, and when this card appears reversed, it tells of lost inheritances and lost investments. Somehow, the situation of lost financial opportunities played a key role in this little girl's disappearance.
Moving into the present, the theme of lost money continue, with the ace of pentacles. A grant or a lump sum payment that had been expected, or had been gained illicitly, either didn't materialize, or didn't last long enough. We also have the three of pentacles, indicating a person who is not skilled at the labor for which he or she is paid. It also comes up reversed to describe unemployment. The third card for the present is the nine of swords, which tells us of suspicion and possible impending imprisonment.
The seven of swords is in the future, and when this card falls reversed, it's message is good advice, and reliable instructions, so I think it is safe to assume that someone has a good attorney; hopefully, it is not only any suspects, but the prosecution and other interested parties! This is followed by the Devil, and when we see him reversed, he warns of indecision, but also of starting over, this time with a clearer picture of what is going on. What was trapped may suddenly be untrapped. The Hermit is here, also reversed. He is a warning about moving too quickly, and without having found all there is to find. Every single person who was associated with the inhabitants of Ayla's father's home needs to be interviewed or re-interviewed. Search warrants need to be obtained for each and every property which was visited by any of them during the time period of Ayla's disappearance. I still feel that more evidence can be found on private property. I wish the reading was more positive.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Richard "Cody" Haynes

When Richard Cody Haynes disappeared from his home in Washington, he was eleven years old, so the picture on the right is age progressed. Anyone with direct knowledge of his whereabouts should contact the FBI.
We start with the four of cups, reversed, crossed by the seven of pentacles. The four of cups, when reversed, speaks of new relationships. The seven of pentacles is the card of the Farmer. It tells of hard work, leading to eventual harvest, and sometimes of barter. Was farming ever a part of Cody's life?
Beneath this is the ten of pentacles, which is a card of financial gifts and inheritances that are not necessarily earned, per se. Material property, or collateral, was, in some way, a part of this situation. A problem that faced someone involved is the six of swords, reversed. A problem was perceived, and it was also perceived that there was no solution. Cody's disappearance was an attempt, as we see in the Tower, reversed, crowning this, to overthrow something, or to completely change some sanction involving property or money. The next card is the King of Pentacles, reversed. This is a man who was involved. He is dishonest and cares nothing about Cody.
The first card on the staff is the nine of wands, which tells us that this king we saw earlier had patiently planned this, and has recourses to defend himself. In the place of environment, we see the three of pentacles, reversed. He has a trade, possibly as a cover, and is seen by others as mediocre at this trade. As a hope, or a motive, we get the ace of pentacles, which is an opportunity or a sum of money collected at once. The nine of swords comes up as the final outcome, which is a card of imprisonment.
I do not actually see a death, or a violent death, in this reading. The nine of swords is very troubling, however; because of it's position as the final outcome. The pentacles in this reading point us north, and the Tower, as a physical feature of landmark, is a dilapidated building or house. If Cody is deceased, he was held against his will somewhere for quite while before it happened, yet it somehow seems as if he may still be alive, and falsely imprisoned somewhere.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Delaware Murder Mystery

In a 1993 story from Delaware, a murder victim, with no identification, was discovered along I 95 in Delaware is still unidentified twenty years later. He was Asian or Native American, 5' 10", around 140 lbs., and his slacks were a size 28 waist. He had long black hair.......shoulder length, and perfect teeth, but was an heavy smoker. The tip of his ring finger on his right hand had been surgically amputated, and the nail of his pinky finger on his left hand was slightly longer than the rest of his nails. Above is an artist's sculpture of how he may have looked. I will ask the Tarot what happened to him.

We start with the six of pentacles, reversed, crossed by the Knight of Pentacles. It would appear that our Knight had a unpaid debt of some sort. The pictures above are almost perfect Knight of Pentacles pictures......dark hair, brown eyes. This person would also have been the type to move slowly toward a goal, rather than quickly. As a cause, or foundation to the matter at hand, we have the Wheel of Fortune, reversed. This could either be a turn of bad luck, out of the Knight's control, or on a more mundane and literal level, a gambling issue. Perhaps both. Behind him was a woman, the Queen of Pentacles reversed, who could not be trusted. Somehow, she played a role in his murder. Her physical description would be similar to his in that she has(d) dark hair and dark eyes. She was not very kindly disposed toward him, and it was his mistake to trust her. The Fool describes what should have happened here, but didn't. There was a choice our Knight could have made that would have saved his life somehow, either by getting him out of harms way, or by removing his killers. But he allowed matters to continue. The High Priestess follows this card, telling us that there is still at least one person out there who knows what happened, but is not talking. The High Priestess also reiterates the feminine influence.

The four of pentacles, a card of hoarding, comes up in the place of fears and worries. This is what the Knight was doing before he got killed......holding onto something material that someone felt he owed him or her. In the place of environment, we have Temperance, reversed. This points to a toxic mixture of personal and business affairs which were not compatible. In the place of his hopes, we have the six of cups, which speaks of childhood memories. Note that this is the second six to appear in the reading; a possible correlation between monetary unpaid loans and investments, and children and childhood memories. Perhaps the two were connected in his life. The last card is the ten of pentacles, which is a loss of family honor or inheritance. I think this Knight's family, should we ever find out who they are, knows exactly what happened.