Showing posts with label court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label court. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Elijah Vue


Three year old Elijah Vue, has been missing from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, since February 20 of this year. His mother, Katrina Baur, had left him in the care of her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, and claims that she has not seen him since. Both are currently facing charges connected to Elijah's disappearance. The state of Wisconsin and the community from which Elijah disappeared have conducted intense searches that have yielded nothing. So what has happened to little Elijah Vue, and where is he? I decided to see what the cards have to say.

I used a horoscope spread for this reading, because it covers more of the bits and pieces of information that can lead to a viable conclusion in a case like this. The first house, which is the "face" of the situation, gives us the three of pentacles, reversed. This tells us that the whole thing started because of a work related matter; someone involved here didn't have childcare, or someone was unable to juggle the demands of parenting with the demands of work. The second house card, which represents material goods and possessions, gives us the Queen of Cups. This is a woman who is involved heavily in this matter. She is upside right, rather than reversed, so I will assume that she initially did not intend harm. The Moon, reversed, lands on the third house, of communication and short journeys. When the Moon falls reversed, we see deception and bad intentions. There was not only a failure to communicate, but a secret desire to harm someone. Also, as a mundane observation, water is an indicated physical location. Moving along to the fourth house, of family life, and latter days of life, we have the four of pentacles, reversed. This refers to waste of resources, and in this case, it looks like a waste of an effort. So far, search efforts have also failed.

The fifth house deals with entertainment, creativity, and often children; and we have the King of Wands, reversed in it. This is a man directly involved in Elijah's disappearance, and when this king falls reversed he represents a man who is intolerant and nasty. As this is the fifth house card, I deem it to mean that Elijah was the victim of a man who does not like children. In the sixth house, of inconveniences and obvious enemies, (not hidden enemies.....that's the twelfth house) we find the seven of pentacles, reversed. This speaks of impatience, and it tells us why this whole situation happened: impatience with children. 

The card of the father, the Emperor, appears in the seventh house, of partnerships. This is an interesting card to fall upside right in the house of partnerships: has anyone checked the properties of the fathers of either of the suspects? Also, this shows us that Elijah's actual father is kindly disposed toward him, and wants to find him. The eighth house, representing the assets of partners and sometimes of those who have died, shows the two of swords, indicating a stalemate of some type. This shows that Elijah is still missing, and that one or both of the suspects has something to gain from not coming forward with information. 

The ninth house, of community, ideals, and long journeys, gives us the Queen of Pentacles. I believe this is a woman who has the skills and the experience to find Elijah and possibly, to work with the defendants who have been charged. This is followed by the two of cups, in the tenth house of public life and government. The Queen of Pentacles may have the ability to not only work with the community in the search, but also with Elijah's mother, to get the necessary information concerning his whereabouts. The eleventh house, of hopes, wishes, and organizations gives us the King of Swords, reversed. This king represents a lying man and dishonesty, in general, when he falls reversed. I think, in this case, he represents an attorney connected to one or both of the defendants. The last card, representing the twelfth house, of hidden enemies and dissolution, is the eight of cups, which gives a scenario in which a goal is attained, only to be discarded. This shows difficulty in finding Elijah. I think Elijah will be found after the search has been expanded by at least eight miles, and I think it will be in an area that is not completely rural, but rural enough to hide someone or something. The four of pentacles and the six of pentacles both refer to earth; the six of pentacles showing a tree. The eight of cups suggests that a river or a stream may have been crossed. The outcome looks very sad, and I always hope that I am wrong about a reading such as this.  

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Robert William Fisher

On April 10 of 2001, and man named Robert William Fisher shot his wife and two children in Scottsdale, Arizona. In what appeared to be an attempt to conceal the murders, he then blew up and burned down their home. No one has had contact with him since the day before this happened. Someone told me about the case, and asked me to see of the Tarot could shed any light on this, so I will see what the cards tell me. This is a horoscope layout, and I asked where and how he was hiding.

The first house, of physical appearance and ego, gives us the two of pentacles, reversed. This is usually a card of pretending to be happy, but in this case, I might see not only pretenses of happiness, but pretenses of being someone else! In line with "pretending", Fisher has changed his appearance. The second house, of money and possessions, has a simple message for us. The seven of pentacles appears reversed. This simply means that Fisher turned his back on every resource for which he had worked up until the murders were committed, and did not look back. In order to successfully run and hide, he incurred a financial loss. Next, in the third house, of written communication, relatives, and short journeys, we have the four of swords, reversed. This shows a bit of unrest surrounding Fisher and his family; he has had communication recently with someone from his past. Hopefully, his former connections and his family will not enable him.

In the place of physical home environment, the fourth house, we have the six of swords. This puts him on the move, quite frequently. Another possibility, with this card, is that Fisher is looking for legal representation. Moving along to the fifth house, which is the house of love affairs and amusement, we see the five of wands. Fisher romances without sincerity; strings people along, not only in romantic relationships but in all relationships; and plays a lot of mental and emotional games in order to keep from being found out. In the sixth house, the house of health, work relationships, and day to day mundane matters, we have the Queen of Cups, reversed. Here, we have a woman who has a lot of unanswered questions about Fisher, and is not happy, either with him, or with the information he has given her about himself.

The seventh house of partnerships, marriage and other types, yields Justice. This speaks of balance in a broad sense, but specifically, in Fisher's case, I think it refers to divorce. We know that he had marital problems prior to the murder of his spouse in 2001, but here we see court involvement in a partnership, yet again. He has apparently hidden himself and become involved with others. In the eighth house, of joint finances, debts, and transitions, we meet the King of Swords. This could mean one of two things: either Fisher has new problems that must be sorted out in civil court and others are demanding to know more about his past, or law enforcement will find him because of his old problems. The King of Swords is often a police officer, lawyer, or judge.When such a person shows up in the eighth house, this often means that the law will become involved in the subject's life. This idea is reinforced in the ninth house, of long journeys, the "establishment", and law: we have the seven of wands, reversed. When the seven of wands falls upside right, that tells of a home or property that is well guarded, but here we find it reversed, telling us that Fisher will have his guard down at an inopportune moment one day, and he will get caught.

The tenth house, showing career, ambition, and social status, gives us the ace of swords. Fisher has tried to start a new career, doing something different. Expect him to be forceful and aggressive, and to have somehow convinced others that he has a degree he does not really have. He also may have another child. The Knight of Wands, reversed, comes up in the eleventh house, of hopes and wishes, social life, and friends. This gives us a glimpse of Fisher's behavior and his physical appearance: he does not play nicely with others and has a reputation for discord, and while in hiding, he is still generally seen as blondish and fair. Coming and going, and temporary relationships are the hallmark of the reversed Knight of Wands, and Fisher tries not to stay in one place too long. The last card, in the twelfth house of self undoing and secret enemies, we see the two of cups. A relationship, probably romantic, will be Fisher's undoing. It happens largely as a result of information he has given about himself that cannot be verified.

The presence of cards from the suit of wands, especially describing travel, environment, and Fisher's aspect, suggest that he may have either moved to the south of where he lived in 2001, or like to spend time to the south. The six of swords often indicates international travel, and that turned up in the place of home environment. Still, I do not think he has put down any permanent new roots anywhere, as of yet. It is only a matter of time before he is found.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Will Sierra Lamar's Case Be Solved By The Court Proceedings?

I was recently asked to do a reading about whether or not Sierra Lamar's case would be resolved, and if she would be found and brought home, now that Antolin Garcia Torres is getting ready for his trial in the case. am not sure how much more I can add to readings I have done in the past for Sierra, but I will ask again, specifically in relation to Torres's court appearances and testimony.

We begin with the Sun, reversed, crossed by the ace of swords, which is also read reversed, here. In answer to a question such as this one, the reversed Sun is most likely telling us that there has been some sort of voided contract, as if the defendant was going to testify, but then the threat described by the reversed ace of swords caused the defendant to change his mind. He might have cooperated, had he been offered immunity for the crime with which he has been charged. deal. Also, we have the Page of Swords still at large. This is a young person connected to the crime, somehow, who is either an accessory after the fact, or an accessory, and has not been charged. The nine of cups appears reversed in the past, as well, reiterating the idea of a voided contract or bad faith. So the defendant has no intentions of entering a plea and testifying.

In the realm of possibilities, we have the Fool. This tells us that there is still time for the defendant to change his mind and cooperate, and it also warns the defendant that evidence that can lead to Sierra's whereabouts might still be found. The Fools is an expert at surprises involving choices at awkward times. Something that will come to pass is Temperance, reversed. This takes us back to choices at awkward times: one of the meanings of Temperance, when it falls reversed, is bad timing. This defendant is not doing himself any favors when he refuses to testify.

In the place of fears, we have Justice. We have a defendant who is obviously afraid of Justice, and another person connected to this is the King of Swords, reversed. The suggestion here is that the prosecution back off, just a little, and give the defendant some emotional space. Not that he deserves it, but the reaction is that of a cornered animal, and one of the goals is to find Sierra. He would be more helpful if he felt less threatened. A disgusting and evil paradigm. Next, in the place of hopes, we have the Queen of Wands, reversed. This is jealousy and deceit, but on the part of a woman who once had a relationship with the defendant. The last card is the nine of cups, reversed. This refers to imperfections in plans, and the defendant may be counseled to go ahead and reveal his knowledge of Sierra's disappearance. It appears that these agreements, or lack thereof, concerning testimony in court and evidence are the biggest reason that this case has not been solved, and the prosecution has more in the way of witness testimony and evidence than has been shared with the public. Sadly, I do not believe the case will be resolved until the defendant is either in court for his actual trial, or has a court date for the same.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dede Spicher Won't Answer Question About Kyron Horman

As a bit of an update to the readings I have done for Kyron Horman, I am going to do a reading about a witness by the name of Dede Spicher, who was recently deposed by Eldon Rosenthal, the attorney who represents Kyron's mother in a civil lawsuit she filed to find answers to her son's missing persons case. The question I have concerning this is, "why did Dede Spicher assert her right to remain silent so much?"

The reading starts off with the five of pentacles, reversed, crossed by the six of swords. This is curious. The five of pentacles reversed speaks of the return of old friends or relatives, and the six of swords means travel, often from one state or country to another. As the six of swords crosses the five of pentacles, we can take it to mean that this "return" has not yet taken place. The appearance of the six does refer to the distinct possiblity, however; and is part of the answer to my question about why Dede Spicher will not testify: she is trying NOT to reveal Kyron's whereabouts! This is based by the Moon, which sometimes means psychic or mystic abilities, but also often means lying and dishonesty. I think we may opt for the latter in this case. Behind this, we have the four of pentacles, telling us that something of value, in this case, information, has indeed been held back. The Queen of cups appears as someone from whom we have not yet heard, and as she falls reversed, we cannot expect the truth from her when it is her turn to speak. The Chariot reversed tells us that Dede considers her refusal to answer questions a bit if a "victory" that she has won by unethical means. There is a sense here that she, personally, has been somehow wronged by the person she is hurting. This is a bit twisted...............This will stall on her, though. I do not believe she will get away with refusing to cooperate indefinately.

The first card on the staff is the Sun, reversed. This can be victory, but not complete, or clouded joy; and it can also mean testimony, but not the complete truth. I think Eldon Rosenthal, who represents Kyron's mother, is very aware that he has not been told the complete truth in all of the depositions he has conducted so far, and understands how he needs to proceed in order to find the truth. This is followed up well by the seven of cups, reversed, in the plae of environment. Upright, this is a card of dreams and delusions, but reversed, it is a card of understanding and competence. We find Death in the place of hopes and fears. While there is an outside chance that the card could be speaking to us at face value, this is unusual in a reading. While I do think that the questions being asked of witnesses, Dede Spicher included, are ever vigilant to determine if Kyron is alive or not, I think that this is a fear of many other things on Dede's part. I also think it represents the solid fact that Dede actually DOES have valuable testimony. Directionally, this card points north. The reading ends with the four of wands, which is a strange card to answer the question I asked! The four of wands is a card of balence, and happy, well balenced relationships. This would tell us that Dede Spicher finally tells us what we need to know, and it tells of home and refuge.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

What Really Happened To Caylee Anthony?

Someone asked me to do a reading about Caylee Anthony, specifically, what REALLY happened to really looks as though Caylee Anthony's "mother" got away with murder, but I will ask the cards.

The reading starts with the two of wands, a card of opportunity and plans, crossed by the five of pentacles, a card that tells of lack of resources and poverty. Apparently, little Caylee was a victim of the balence between opportunity, resources, and responsibility. Beneath this, we have the seven of cups, which means illusions and visions of granduer. Someone in the situation clearly could not see reality for what it is. A sad event that took place is the ten of swords, and I think this was Caylee's death. Tens are completion, and the ten of swords is the exit of something that often can no longer be endured. Also, swords relate to air, and I think lack of oxygen was either a cause of a contibuter to Caylee's death. In a possible future for the person left behind, or in this case, a hope connected to one of the "visions of granduer" augered by the seven of cups, we have the Lovers, reversed. One of the reasons for this violence and neglect of a child was the hope of finding new love. It did not work out as planned, however. The next thing that happened was the Tower, which is the "day of reckning". While the prosecution in Casey Anthony's case did not put together a solid case and win, Casey did spend a certain amount of time behind bars, and this card of speaks of imprisonment.

One serious problem with "the perpetrator's" personality was the lack of any insight relating to the sacrifices involved in bringing up children. This is illustrated by the Hanged Man, reversed, in the place of self. The Hanged Man is a card of sacrifice for the greater good, and sometimes of learning and's Odin, gathering the Runes from streams of collective conscience, in order to teach generations of people. Reversed, it tells us that the person who should have been caring for Caylee was not even remotely interested in the task of caring for a child. In the place of home environment and relationships with others involved, we get the five of swords, reversed. There was a quality of anger and revenge in the situation, as well. The Knight of Cups, reversed, was in this person's hopes. He is not much better than the "perpetrator". Just another lying, deceptive, good-for-nothing single male. Upright, this Knight is usually a kind, sensitive young man, but reversed, he is not honest. As a final outcome, we have the seven of wands, reversed. This, I believe, refers to the choice to leave Caylee in a place where she was not carefully guarded, and her remains could be so easily found. Upside right, this card would tell us that we are on private property, and can only go inside if invited, but reversed, nothing is safeguarded, and so it was with little Caylee. Looking at the two of wands, I think Casey may have had help, male help, is finding a place to hide little, Caylee, as well.