Showing posts with label Return Kyron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Return Kyron. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Best Way For Whoever Has Kyron To Return Him

Ok; yesterday, I did a reading discussing who could tell us where Kyron is, and now here is one describing the best way for the person who currently has Kyron to give him back. Kyron Horman was last seen in his Portland school, Skyline Elementary, on June 4, 2010, in the morning before classes began.

This is a Celtic Cross reading, and the first card is the two of swords. This reiterates yesterdays reading, which featured the stalemate of the two of swords as a defensive posture of the perpetrator. It is crossed by the Emporer. From this, I glean that this person is deadlocked into a stalemate over something with Kyron's father. It is founded by the six of pentacles, reversed. This tells me that someone involved either feels they did not get what they earned, or truly didn't. In either case, the situation evolved into this person getting nothing, as shown by the five of pentacles representing the energies slowly passing from the situation. Crowning this, the Tower, reversed, is the best possible outcome. So at this point, no matter what happens, whoever has Kyron should plan on making major lifestyle changes in the future. This is verified by the arrival of the Knight of Wands in the very near future. I think this card has a double meaning: I think a man who really wants to get to the bottom of this and find Kyron is nearby, and I think it represents a change of residence for the person who has Kyron. And possibly for Kyron.

On the staff, the negative feelings of the person who has Kyron was represented by the four of pentacles, reversed. This is a feeling that time and resources have been wasted, and that the whole gesture of taking Kyron was a waste of energy. Following this card, in the place of the person's personal environment, is the three of swords, reversed. Agreements have fallen apart, trust is eroding, and no one really wants to play this game anymore. In the place of the perpetrator's hopes, we get the nine of cups......the perpetrator is comfortable and wants things to remian just as they are. As a final outcome, the Page of Swords comes up. I do not feel that the Page of Swords is the perpetrator, and I do not feel that the perpetrator is going to try to make this right by giving Kyron back to his parents. The suggestion made by the Page of Swords is that there really are no secrets, and this secret will force it's way into the open in a life-altering way.

One possible interpretation of the five of pentacles is a church, and that could provide the means to give Kyron back to his parents. I believe it has been suggested before. The way this card is followed by a knight would warn the perpetrator to just leave, after making sure Kyron found an adult to sit down and talk to. It could work.