Showing posts with label Empress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Empress. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

Hugues De La Plaza

Hugues De La Plaza, a young man from France, was found dead in San Francisco in 2007, having bled to death from stab wounds. To this day, his death remains unsolved, and it was rumored by some to be a suicide,, but evidence points strongly to homicide.
So how did this violence happen? The reading starts with the Tower, crossed by the four of swords, and while I was shuffling the cards, the Lovers fell out, as if to shed some additional light on matters. The Tower represents an implosion of bad habits and bad decisions, forcing a change. The four of swords is a card of rest, or as in this case, of waiting. I think that someone was waiting, either in Hugues's apartment, or outside of it, for Hugues to come home that night. Below this, describing the background of the situation, we have the three of pentacles, which is the card of the craftsman. This would indicate a connection from where Hugues worked, or made his living. Behind this, representing motive, we have the Empress, reversed, showing a female influence. As she is reversed, this female would not be favorably inclined toward Hugues, and her aspect was completely out of balence.
Following the event, background, and motive, we have the eight of pentacles, which is another "work and career" card. This whole matter somehow has a connection to Hugues's workplace. It is also distinctly possible, in fact, almost certain, that Hugues knew his assailant and was not that surprised at the conflict. The Page of Cups is next, and he would be a youngish man with light brown hair and hazelish or bluish eyes. He has a strong connection to the reversed Empress. Could the Empress have been involved in a relationship wherein she and her mate were attempting to start a family? In any event, there is no indication that Hugues was interested in a family, so the committed relationship of the Empress was not with him.
The six of cups reversed appears in the place of the fears of the person who committed the murder, and it WAS a murder. There is an element of "living in the past" here, for this person. His relationship with the Empress had changed, somehow, and he blamed Hugues! The next card, describing the environment surrounding this, is the five of swords, reversed. This is revenge, purely and simply. It would also not surprise me to hear that he was stabbed five times. The Queen of Pentacles, reversed, represent the murderer's hopes. This definately involved a woman, and betrayal and mistrust were clear factors, as this Queen is reversed. The final outcome is described by the two of swords, reversed. This suggests that perhaps the culprit had not fully decided to kill Hugues while he waited for him to come home, but conversation and events began moving in a direction that was difficult to control. Sadly, the factors in this are workplace connections, revenge, and a woman.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Maura Murray

Maura Murray disappeared in New Hamphsire, after a car accident, in February of 2004. Nine years later, no one has found her. Someone asked me to see what the Tarot has to say, so here is a reading. The ace of swords, reversed, crossed by the five of cups describes what happened to Maura. The ace reversed often speaks of too much power leading to obstacles, and in mundane, or physical reality, it could mean too much power in a car or other machine was applied, causing other problems. The five of cups simply refers to that which was left behind. Also, I think may be telling us that there was a bridge that was somehow important back in February of 2004.

The seven of wands appears in the distant past, telling us that privacy has somehow become an issue, and that certain searches will not be carried out and information and questions will not be shared or answered with proper warrents and due process of law. Also in the past, we find the Empress, who is the "mother" in the Tarot, and she represents an event that took place in relation to the disappearance, itself. Marriage and fertility are matters relating to the Empress, sometimes, also, fertile land for farms and fields.

The Fool appears as a possibility, reversed. Upright, he would be telling us that someone is ready to reopen the case and start looking in new places for Maura, but reversed, he says that no one is interested in new ideas to solve her case or find her. Another card that comes up is the King of Swords, which represents authority, law enforcement, and sometimes military affairs. Since the card is upright, I will assume he is kindly disposed toward Maura and interested in helping her come home. Perhaps a military engineer or someone involved in law enforcement actaully will find Maura's remains or clues and insist upon follow-up.

The four of wands, reversed, comes up in the place of fears and negative feelings. This card speaks of happy celebrations, such as weddings, even in reversal. Could Maura have wandered to a park, or an abandoned place where such events were once held? Once again, as in the five of cups, we have a "castle", or a big building that is prominent on the property, on this card. For the current environment, we have the six of wands, reversed, which tells of the delay of an actual search in the right place. Possibly....back to the Empress.....could she have created the delay? The eight of pentacles appears reversed in the place of fears, highlighting a worry about the ability to make money and work if a search were to take place, and we conclude with the King of Cups, reversed, who represents scandals, coverups, and lies.

The situation which led to Maura's disappearance may well have not been deliberate, but for some reason, a deliberate coverup involving a woman of childbearing years and a man old enough to run a business has taken place. These two individuals have stopped anyone from finding this young woman.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dylan Redwine Update

As promised, here is an update to the last reading I posted on this blog, which was about Dylan Redwine, who disappeared on either November 18 or November 19 while visiting his father in Colorado.

Three cards I drew for the past are the seven of pentacles, the five of pentacles, reversed, and the four of swords, also reversed. Earth and air are reperesented, here; the seven of pentacles has to do with working for something, but on more mundane levels, digging. The five of pentacles reversed speaks to renewed relationships. Perhaps this was the sincere part of the whole plan between Dylan and his father. But then we run into the four of swords, reversed. This card, when upright, speaks of matters that are at rest, or dormant. Reversed, it tells us that something that was dormant has been awakened.

For the present, I drew the ten of wands, reversed, the eight of wands, and the nine of cups. We have moved from earth and air to fire and water. When reversed, the ten of wands warns of lost lawsuits, separation, lies, and duplicity. So we have those things as possible motivation for Dylan's disappearance. The eight of wands speaks of impulse and infatuation, providing even more in the way of motive. And then we have the nine of cups. Somewhere, near or at a favored camping or picnicing spot of family member, either Dylan or critical clues can be found. Yes, water somehow played a role.

In the future, we have the Empress, or the mother, awaiting Dylan's return. We also have the seven of wands, reversed, telling us that Dylan is not in a safe place; this card also cautions her against any indecision or hesitance to take action in order to find him. The last card is the five of swords, reversed. This was done as a personal, angry, vengeful statement, but the person who did it will not get away with it. I am sensing a lot of urgency, on Dylan's part, to solve this quickly. I hope that means that he can be found safe, but at this point, I am worried.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dylan Redwine

Dylan Redwine, of Colorado, was last seen a week ago, at his father's home near Durango, Colorado. He was supposed to visit his father for the Thanksgiving holiday. There is now a search in progress for him. My question is, what happened to Dylan, and where is he?

We start with the ten of cups, reversed, crossed by the four of wands. This gives a message of unhappiness in the home, crossed by some sort of happy event, or haven. Beneath this, we have the hierophant, who represents tradition. This could either be a minister, counselor, priest or mentor of some sort, whose guidance had helped Dylan in the past. Or it could be an institution representing tradition, such as a church or a school that had a positive effect on Dylan. Either way, it was something Dylan wanted back. Also in the past, we have the Page of Wands, which is usually a message of some kind, but in this reading, I think it represents Dylan. I also think something he had tried to tell others in his situation was not properly heard. The next card, in the place of things that have not yet come to pass, is the Empress, which is the "mother" card in the Tarot. She is also the very best result here, and the very best person for Dylan right now. The next card, in the place of things that either will happen or are happening, is Judgement, reversed, which tells of separation and fear. Sometimes it even speaks of fear of death. There is something outside of Dylan's control right now, separating him from where he wants to be, and from where he is safe. I do not believe he ran away.

In the place of fears, we find this reinforced by the two of wands, reversed, telling us of betrayals, fear, domination, and the fear of being overpowered. In the place of environment, we find the Moon, which, in this reading, speaks of things hidden or disguised, and of deception. Wherever Dylan is, he is hidden, and I think water is somehow part of the picture. For a direction, this card points us west. The eight of cups, reversed, is in the place of Dylan's hopes; this tells me that if Dylan could reverse the choice he made that got him into this situation, he would do so. And then we have the Page of Swords, as the final outcome, as another young person who is watching everyone search. For good or for ill, this person knows where Dylan is, yet has not come forward. His numeric value is eleven, and his direction would be east. Swords occasionally tells us of cyber communications.

My sense of this is that Dylan is alive.......I sincerely hope I am right. I will keep praying for his safe return, and I will come back to this if he is not home within a few days.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Robyn Gardner

The question I asked was "what happened to Robyn Gardner, and where is she?" This is the answer I got. It begins with the Page of Pentacles, reversed, crossed by the Magician. To me, this looks as if Robyn was experiencing a lull, either in school or her career, and was looking for someone who could fix it for her.....the Magician. It it based by the six of cups, telling me that Robyn branched out into some unkown territory. An event in the recent past is the Hanged Man, which is a sacrifice, or a period of suspension. It is an interesting card to see in this spot, as it makes me wonder if Robyn disappeared of her own free will. Another possible interpretation is that Robyn accepted and invitation or a gift that was somehow significant in this situation.

Crowning this, in possible outcomes, is the Empress. Could Robyn have been pregnant? If so, could this have possibly played a role in her disappearance? The card telling of things that WILL happen is the ace of pentacles. This tells of a financial opportunity stemming from Robyn's disappearance. Plainly and simply. But it has not materialized yet.

Temperance reversed is in the place of Robyn's thoughts. This could be a bad combination between friends and associates, but I really feel that it is telling us of alcohol or drug abuse. Even if it only happened on one occasion, it somehow played a role. Strength is the card telling of the opinions of others. Others are still looking for Robyn. The two of wands comes up in the place of hopes and fears; this tells me that she had somehow planned this with someone else, whether things went according to plan or not. The last card, the final outcome, is the High Priestess, reversed. Interesting. The High Priestess is all about secrets, yet she fall reversed. This means that Robyn will, one day, be found. Sometimes, the High Priestess can indicate a place named after a Goddess or a female saint. Sometimes, water is connected to this card.

Going back to the Magician.....a man who knew exactly what he was doing was involved in this. Money was the reason. A waiting game is being played right now, on the bet that time will somehow temper, or cover his tracks, wherever they lead.