Showing posts with label Celtic Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celtic Cross. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2011

Difficult Question In The Kyron Horman Case

I asked the Tarot a difficult question concerning Kyron Horman and the efforts to find him. It was basically about why Kyron has not been found yet, and where all of the searches and efforts have gone wrong. This reading is Celtic Cross, and this is what I got:

Basis: Ten of swords, reversed, cross by the Queen of Cups. This is a temporary position of power, gained by chaotic means. The Queen of Cups is the person who would love to just jump in and solve the problem created by all this chaos. Founding this, we get the ten of pentacles. This represents money that was gifted, not earned. Somehow, it is part of this picture. Someone involved in Kyron's life received either an inheritance or a large sum of money as a gift. The King of Cups is the influence fading into the background. The best that can be expected from this part of the situation alone is the Page of Swords, reversed. This is a tip, or testimony, about what is going on. It comes from someone who is not kindly disposed toward those involved, or under some other legally hostile circumstance. The ace of pentacles is what will happen; unlike the ten, the ace represents an opportunity for financial gain, more than an actualized reality of financial gain. But it is reveresed, which tells me that whatever was done was done for nothing.

Staff: In the place of valid concerns surrounding this we have the King of Swords. This represents law enforcement and the court system; so that is still heavily on someone's mind. The going opinion of this matter and the persons involved is the Sun; I think someone has a lot of people fooled concerning his or her (or both?) involvement with Kyron's disappearance. The following card, in the place of hopes, is the four of wands, which tells me that this person is hoping to continue down the same path, never getting found out. The final outcome is the Queen of Swords, reversed. This is typically a woman who has lost a few things dear to her, such as family or children, and reversed, can be quite vindictive. The puzzling thing is that she did not become completely "barren" until after Kyron went missing!  I think the money referred to earlier in the reading may have been, at one point, hers.

The two "tens" in the reading are curious. First of all, the reversed ten of this case, this is power gotton by holding an entire situation hostage and doing little else. Then, underneath it, we have the ten of pentacles. I think that's really what this is all about. Some invested an entire inheritance or the sum of a savings account into something, and didn't get the expected return. It looks as if it isn't going to happen, either.

DNA, careful fact finding, and diplomacy will somehow find a way to set this straight. I still have hope that there will be a very happy reunion for Kyron and his family.