Showing posts with label Aruba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aruba. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2015

Where Is Natalee Holloway?

Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba over ten years ago, and has never been found. She was legally declared dead in 2012, and over the weekend, CNN spoke with a man in Holland who claims he saw Natalee Holloway being chased through a construction site on foot, minutes before what appeared to be her death. So what happened? Lets see what the cards have to say.

This reading starts with the Page of Cups, reversed, crossed by the Queen of Cups. We have an obstacle, or a cover-up, being pushed and promoted by a woman. This woman feels that it is not really her problem, or Aruba's problem, to look for missing tourists. She is not American, and her home and workplace are near water. She is only concerned about the tourist industry, and not Natalee. Beneath this, we have the five of swords, which speaks to violence. We know that Natalee made the acquaintance of a violent person. This is validated by the two of wands, reversed, telling is that someone had an unnatural desire to "dominate" Natalee. The Lovers appears as a possible motive, showing us a struggle between profanity and purity. Also, as a location, it would reveal a destination of lovers, with manicured gardens and trees. 

As a person who remains involved in the search for Natalee, we find the Empress. This is the "mother" card in the Tarot, and the message is clearly that Natalee's mother will not give up in the effort to find her. 

The eight of swords comes up as the first card on the staff. This is Natalee's current enviroment: she was hidden, possibly somewhere close to plumbing or shallow water. As this could also indicate a small space or a cupboard, or a place that would require digging and cutting in order to expose, it could give credence to the new information about Natalee having been hidden in a building or on a construction site. The three of pentacles comes up next, supporting this. The three of pentacles is the card of the craftsman, particularly in building. I am drawn to want to look under the foundation where a beam is supported, or a brace, with an ornate window or sculpture. Next, we have the King of Cups, reversed, who is just as dishonest as the Queen, who showed up earlier. His money comes from people who travel to Aruba from foreign lands, and he has nothing to gain by cooperating with the investigation, so he has not. He also suspects that there may a murder case in the offing, but does not want to see it tried. It would be bad for business. The last card here is the Page of Wands, reversed. This is bad news and indecision. It would appear, at this writing, that Aruba has no plans to re-open the investigation and find out if the tipster is telling the truth. also appears that Natalee is hidden away somewhere in a place that is very much like what was described in the recent tip.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Robyn Gardner

The question I asked was "what happened to Robyn Gardner, and where is she?" This is the answer I got. It begins with the Page of Pentacles, reversed, crossed by the Magician. To me, this looks as if Robyn was experiencing a lull, either in school or her career, and was looking for someone who could fix it for her.....the Magician. It it based by the six of cups, telling me that Robyn branched out into some unkown territory. An event in the recent past is the Hanged Man, which is a sacrifice, or a period of suspension. It is an interesting card to see in this spot, as it makes me wonder if Robyn disappeared of her own free will. Another possible interpretation is that Robyn accepted and invitation or a gift that was somehow significant in this situation.

Crowning this, in possible outcomes, is the Empress. Could Robyn have been pregnant? If so, could this have possibly played a role in her disappearance? The card telling of things that WILL happen is the ace of pentacles. This tells of a financial opportunity stemming from Robyn's disappearance. Plainly and simply. But it has not materialized yet.

Temperance reversed is in the place of Robyn's thoughts. This could be a bad combination between friends and associates, but I really feel that it is telling us of alcohol or drug abuse. Even if it only happened on one occasion, it somehow played a role. Strength is the card telling of the opinions of others. Others are still looking for Robyn. The two of wands comes up in the place of hopes and fears; this tells me that she had somehow planned this with someone else, whether things went according to plan or not. The last card, the final outcome, is the High Priestess, reversed. Interesting. The High Priestess is all about secrets, yet she fall reversed. This means that Robyn will, one day, be found. Sometimes, the High Priestess can indicate a place named after a Goddess or a female saint. Sometimes, water is connected to this card.

Going back to the Magician.....a man who knew exactly what he was doing was involved in this. Money was the reason. A waiting game is being played right now, on the bet that time will somehow temper, or cover his tracks, wherever they lead.