Sunday, April 21, 2024

Elijah Vue


Three year old Elijah Vue, has been missing from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, since February 20 of this year. His mother, Katrina Baur, had left him in the care of her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, and claims that she has not seen him since. Both are currently facing charges connected to Elijah's disappearance. The state of Wisconsin and the community from which Elijah disappeared have conducted intense searches that have yielded nothing. So what has happened to little Elijah Vue, and where is he? I decided to see what the cards have to say.

I used a horoscope spread for this reading, because it covers more of the bits and pieces of information that can lead to a viable conclusion in a case like this. The first house, which is the "face" of the situation, gives us the three of pentacles, reversed. This tells us that the whole thing started because of a work related matter; someone involved here didn't have childcare, or someone was unable to juggle the demands of parenting with the demands of work. The second house card, which represents material goods and possessions, gives us the Queen of Cups. This is a woman who is involved heavily in this matter. She is upside right, rather than reversed, so I will assume that she initially did not intend harm. The Moon, reversed, lands on the third house, of communication and short journeys. When the Moon falls reversed, we see deception and bad intentions. There was not only a failure to communicate, but a secret desire to harm someone. Also, as a mundane observation, water is an indicated physical location. Moving along to the fourth house, of family life, and latter days of life, we have the four of pentacles, reversed. This refers to waste of resources, and in this case, it looks like a waste of an effort. So far, search efforts have also failed.

The fifth house deals with entertainment, creativity, and often children; and we have the King of Wands, reversed in it. This is a man directly involved in Elijah's disappearance, and when this king falls reversed he represents a man who is intolerant and nasty. As this is the fifth house card, I deem it to mean that Elijah was the victim of a man who does not like children. In the sixth house, of inconveniences and obvious enemies, (not hidden enemies.....that's the twelfth house) we find the seven of pentacles, reversed. This speaks of impatience, and it tells us why this whole situation happened: impatience with children. 

The card of the father, the Emperor, appears in the seventh house, of partnerships. This is an interesting card to fall upside right in the house of partnerships: has anyone checked the properties of the fathers of either of the suspects? Also, this shows us that Elijah's actual father is kindly disposed toward him, and wants to find him. The eighth house, representing the assets of partners and sometimes of those who have died, shows the two of swords, indicating a stalemate of some type. This shows that Elijah is still missing, and that one or both of the suspects has something to gain from not coming forward with information. 

The ninth house, of community, ideals, and long journeys, gives us the Queen of Pentacles. I believe this is a woman who has the skills and the experience to find Elijah and possibly, to work with the defendants who have been charged. This is followed by the two of cups, in the tenth house of public life and government. The Queen of Pentacles may have the ability to not only work with the community in the search, but also with Elijah's mother, to get the necessary information concerning his whereabouts. The eleventh house, of hopes, wishes, and organizations gives us the King of Swords, reversed. This king represents a lying man and dishonesty, in general, when he falls reversed. I think, in this case, he represents an attorney connected to one or both of the defendants. The last card, representing the twelfth house, of hidden enemies and dissolution, is the eight of cups, which gives a scenario in which a goal is attained, only to be discarded. This shows difficulty in finding Elijah. I think Elijah will be found after the search has been expanded by at least eight miles, and I think it will be in an area that is not completely rural, but rural enough to hide someone or something. The four of pentacles and the six of pentacles both refer to earth; the six of pentacles showing a tree. The eight of cups suggests that a river or a stream may have been crossed. The outcome looks very sad, and I always hope that I am wrong about a reading such as this.  

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Why Did Sierra Lamar Disappear?

A couple of weeks ago, a reader contacted me with some possible theories concerning a missing teenager named Sierra Lamar. Sierra was last seen on March 16, 2012, while waiting for the school bus. Since then, a suspect by the name of  Antolin Garcia Torres was identified, prosecuted, and convicted, yet Sierra has never been found. The reader had some questions concerning possible co-defendants and motives that have never been explored, along with places that have not been searched. I decided to do an update, asking about it. 

The question I am asking is "why did Sierra Lamar disappear?" I will do a horoscope spread, which should reveal many dynamics in the situation in one reading. While the Tarot cannot give us names and addresses, per se, understand why something happened can lead us to reliable theories and clues.

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We begin with the six of pentacles, reversed, in the first house of potential and the beginnings of the situation, itself. This card, reversed, refers to bad debts and bribes, both of which probably did not involve Sierra directly, as she was a minor. The second house deals with finances and possessions, we have have Temperance, here. Temperance is a blending of physical elements, or cooperation between people, so I must wonder if this refers to an agreement, or a broken agreement. Moving along to the third house, we have the four of cups, reversed. Third house significations are familial relationships, written words, and communication of all kinds. The card that landed here is the four of cups, reversed, which shows a new direction for matters to take, based upon communication. So far, it appears that there was an agreement that did not actually involve Sierra, and that there was premeditation to kidnap her, that day. 

The fourth house, of environment and home surroundings, gives us the nine of swords, which is worry. This card has a double meaning: Sierra's family was and is worried, and the motive for taking her was a dark one. This is a card of grief. In the fifth house, of creativity, we have the five of swords....a card of violence and revenge. It is descriptive of the perpetrator and his perspective, and I hate to see it in the fifth house. It shows someone attempting to hurt an individual or family, and dreaming up mean spirited ways to do it. The sixth house, of known enemies and inconveniences, shows us the eight of cups, reversed, which is a card of mirth and happiness when upside down. This, too, is from the perpetrator's perspective. He did the horrible thing he attempted to do. The seventh house, of agreements and partnerships, has the Queen of Cups, reversed. I do not think this is Sierra; in fact, I think the perpetrator had problems with someone else, and just used Sierra as proverbial "punching bag". This is a woman from whom the perpetrator  experienced an imagined slight. The eighth house goes hand in hand with the seventh house, as it symbolizes the results and assets of partnerships, such as joint bank accounts or co-owned property of any kind. It also refers to death, but that is not its only signification. The card here is the Page of Cups, and I believe that is Sierra. It shows a youth who is creative and imaginative, and its placement in the eight house shows that there was something the perpetrator wanted from her, that morning, but did not get. 

In the ninth house, of education and and ideals, we get the Knight of Swords, reversed, who I believe is the perpetrator. This knight often represents violence, and the coming or going of a toxic or lethal situation. It's a card I hate to see in a reading like this, and I truly hope I am wrong in my interpretations, here. The tenth house, of public matters, gives us the nine of pentacles, reversed. When the nine of pentacles falls reversed, the message is simply failure; possibly from a lack of independent ideas or input from dishonest sources. There hasn't been any new information to make public in quite some time. In the eleventh house, of hopes, wishes, and helpful people, we have the King of Cups. He would be a professional who knows what he's doing, and can help with forensic evidence and in interpreting the data that's already been given to him. The twelfth house, of secrets and endings, gives us the Queen of Swords, who is a woman, probably law enforcement at some level, who has information that has not been made public. I am encouraged to see her here, because that means that someone is still trying to solve the case. 

As for where Sierra might be found, nine seems to be a significant number. The fourth house card, of environment, is the nine of swords. Nine parts, or possibly nine miles, are possible messages. Then, in the ninth house, we have the card of the perpetrator, himself, showing up as the Knight of Swords, reversed. I believe he acted alone, but in retaliation for something that might not have even happened. His whole reason for being where he was that morning was to harm someone. Then, in the tenth house, we have another nine, this one being the reversed nine of pentacles. This card is a bit troubling, since one of its meanings is a cancelled project. I believe this may have been a cancelled search in a critical area, and I hope efforts are made to double down on this in the future. I think the defendant who was prosecuted was the right person, but I think someone else, possibly a woman (the reversed Queen of Cups in the seventh house) may be holding back information that could help bring some closure.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Victor Dwight Shoemaker

On May 1, 1994, five year old Victor Dwight Shoemaker was walking with his cousins in Hampshire County, West Virginia, and that was the last time he was seen. I came across a comment with a request for a reading for this little boy, and I am going to see what the cards have to say. 

We begin with the three of swords in the first house. This suggests that there were some petty squabbles going on that day, connected to Victor and the others with him. I think it's possible that there were older children who did not want a five year old with them, but ended up taking him along while they played outside. In the second house, we have the High Priestess, of all matters hidden. She is a card of secrets, and the second house represents possessions and material things that are important to either Victor or the perpetrator, here. So we have a petty squabble and something material playing a role. In the third house, of short journeys and juvenile family members, we get the four of swords. I do not like to see this here because the four of swords tells of matters that have been dormant and inactive, and this case has been unsolved for far too many years. I am going to guess that someone has answers that have not been given, yet. 

The Queen of Wands appears in the fourth house, of the mother and home environment, and I am going to guess that this is Victor's mother. She never gave up, and always wanted answers. Following this, in the fifth house of creativity and children, we have the Hanged Man. This is sacrifice, and those looking for Victor have been willing to make many sacrifices over the years, in order to find him. The sixth house, of petty enemies, shows the two of swords reversed. This tells me that someone gave Victor some bad advice, or dared him to do something dangerous, and the results were deadly. There is also a suggestion of abuse, but not by one of Victor's adults. 

The seventh house, of agreements and partnerships, give us the Fool, reversed. This simply shows that Victor was not in the best of hands when he disappeared. He trusted someone, and was let down. The nine of swords, reversed, appears in the eighth house. The eighth house not only tells of death, but also of the fallout of a death. There is still a lot of worry and grief connected to this, and there are people who have wished that they had spoken up immediately. The ninth house yields the ace of swords, and this is a card of extreme love or hate. The ninth house deals with dreams and ideals, and sometimes of longer journeys. I am inclined to think that there was someone who was misguided enough to feel that violence was appropriate, when it was not. 

We have the Queen of Swords in the tenth house of law and justice, and as she appears reversed it is clear that she represents someone from law enforcement or the judicial system. The case is still open, and justice can still be gotten for Victor. The five of wands appears in the eleventh house of friends and casual associates, and when this card comes up, it often refers to lies and cover-ups. As it comes up in a house that speaks of friends and associates, I think this has always been bad news for the investigation. There were other young people who knew what happened to Victor, and did not speak up. The twelfth house shows the King of Cups. This is a man who is kindly disposed to Victor and would like an answer. He is willing to continue looking, and to answer questions and try to keep the investigation open. 

For a location, I am getting a westerly direction, then south, then water. If a path is involved, it winds in a couple of different directions. 


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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Does Anyone Have Knowledge After The Fact About Kyron Horman?

Kyron Horman's World Soldiers - Home | Facebook 

There has been some speculation, on social media sites, about the Kyron Horman case, specifically concerning new associations of witnesses and suspects, and what they may know, or what they may have been told about the case, after the fact. Kyron disappeared from his Portland, Oregon school in June of 2010 and has not been seen since then.The main suspect has always been the former stepmother, who has since moved out of the area.I decided to put this question to the Tarot, and this is the answer that I got.

The first house gives us the seven of cups, indicating deception. Someone who has had exposure to case via the main suspect, the stepmother, has either believed untrue stories about it or has deliberately perpetrated them. To understand why this person has done this, we just go to the next card, in the second house of things that are valued by the person, and we get the ten of there has been a material payout by allowing the truth to be buried. The Magician comes up in the third house, of family members and communication, so we can assume that this person has a certain amount of access to information, if he chooses to ask. And it IS a "he", as indicated by the Knight of Wands appearing in the fourth house, of home and environment! 

The fifth house, which deals with children and creativity, yields the Hanged Man, reversed. This card is a card of sacrifice for the betterment of the community when upright, but reversed, it indicates selfishness and an unwillingness to help. The sixth house, of mundane enemies and inconveniences, shows the four of swords, telling us that something that was buried, or dormant, is about to be discussed openly again, possibly in the news. In the seventh house, of partnerships and often, marriage, we have the Tower, reversed. Reversed or upright, this card is a card of disruption and change. As it has fallen in the seventh house, we can assume that it has to do with a partnership of some sort. In reversal, this card often negative encounters with the judicial system.

In the eighth house, which reveals the products of the partnership of the seventh house, we see the Fool. This is a risk or a chance this person has taken. He took this risk knowingly, too. The ninth house, of ideals and educational goals, gives us the Queen of Cups, reversed. Upside right, this queen is a sensitive and caring woman, but upside down, she is a dishonest and immoral person. The tenth house, dealing with public life, reputation, and involvement with government, yields the three of cups, reversed. There has been too much of a good thing; success turns to ashes. The eleventh house, which rules organizations and casual associations, gives us the Page of Swords, reversed. This page is often a spy or snitch when he comes up reversed. The last card, the twelfth house card, is the eight of cups, reversed. This shows a process from the first card, the seven of cups upright, and the unwillingness to recognize truth to the celebration of the eight of cups, in spite of the truth. It appears that as long as there is a tangible payoff to leaving the facts buried, there will be no change brought on without a rude awakening.

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