Saturday, January 4, 2014

Elisa Lam

 Elisa Lam, of Vancouver, British Columbia, was last seen alive in January of last year. About three weeks after she was reported missing, she was found in a rooftop cistern in the Cecil Motel in downtown Los Angeles. Her drowning death was ruled accidental. No one is sure exactly how long Elisa was in the cistern; the estimate was about three weeks. For an accident, this seems a bit strange. So I will ask the cards how it really happened.

We begin with the ace of swords, crossed by the King of Cups. In this instance, the King is reversed, making him unkindly disposed toward Elisa. He is also older and more experienced than Elisa. The ace of swords is a triumph or forceful new start of something; sometimes this card describes fertility. Could a pregnancy or a suspected pregnancy have been part of this picture? Founding this, we have the nine of wands, which tells of a need for patience and tenacity. Elisa was waiting for something or someone. As a past event affecting this matter, we have the ten of pentacles, which is inheritances and real estate properties. And then, in the unrealized expectations, we have the two of cups, which is partnership. As the King of Cups has appeared reversed, we can assume his involvement in the partnership described by the two of cups is shady. The next card is Justice, reversed. Somehow, Justice has been denied it's say in this matter. Elisa somehow met an unjust end, and a proper account of contributing factors has not been made.

In the place of fears, we find the six of cups, which, once again, is a reference to children. Somehow, a fear of this aspect of family life weighed heavily on the mind of someone connected to this situation. The two of pentacles appears in the card of environment, telling us that there was an inability, on someone's part, to manage two situations; in this case, partnerships, at once. The next card is the seven of swords, which; once again, refers to taking what one either does not own or cannot manage. The last card is the four or swords, which represents sudden activity after a lull. Sometimes, this activity is the result of discontent.

For all appearances, Elisa Lam was the victim of a lover who could not countenance any publicity of the relationship, yet it has been categorized as an accident.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ashley Freeman And Laura Bible

Ashley Freeman and Laura Bible allegedly spent a night, in December of 1999, in a trailer that burned down, but only the bodies of Ashley's parents were found, not the two girls, who were sixteen at the time of the fire. Since then, no one has been able to locate them, despite the occasional rumor.
For the basis, we have the eight of pentacles, reversed, crossed by the three of pentacles. This is a clear message of lack of ability in a trade or line of employment. But what could that possibly have to do with the disappearance of two teenage girls? As a bit of background and as a possible underlying reason for the whole situation, fire and all, we have the Tower, reversed. The tower usually involves karma and involuntary repayment of karmic debt, but as the card falls reversed, I will say that this time, it was man-made; more like vengeance than anything cosmically deserved by anyone here. This is followed by the two of cups, the only card representing Ashley and Laura. They, somehow, were unintended "victims". The five of wands follows this, and this card usually describes games and runaround, the type of "beating around the bush" one gets from someone who has no intentions of honesty. And......honesty was somehow lacking after this fire. This is followed by the five of swords, which is deliberately applied violence and revenge. Also lies and cover-up. Force was the only way for someone to win a dispute, and that is what this whole situation was all about.
The staff contains four court cards, which makes this a very unusual reading. These are four different people who were involved in this matter. In the place of fears, we have the Knight of Swords. Often, he is a violent person, or a violent event; but in this case, he is a person. Court cards in the suit of swords are often law enforcement, and this man was in his thirties or early forties in 1999. The reports filed about this fire and the victims is represented by the King of Cups, reversed. This king is usually someone who lies when he falls reversed, and he has a lot of authority. He relates his spin on this matter directly to any investigators and to the public. Getting even worse, we have the Knight of Cups next. He is also dishonest when reversed, and he is in the place of hopes and fears, which means that while he is somewhat younger than the King of Cups, he successfully wielded a certain amount of fear over the king, and the king spun this story the way the knight wanted it spun. The final card is the King of Swords, who is often law enforcement, or a lawyer or judge. He is upside right, but he is at odds with the King of Cups about the investigation of the fire. For reasons that are not known, he has gone along with what the other men wished.
Grrrr....from all appearances, and according to this reading, it looks as if the fire was deliberate, and aimed at the two adults in the house, not the girls. In the scenario given by the reading, the Ashley and Laura were unintended victims of the fire. There is no card here that tells me that they escaped; and I do not believe they ever got out alive. It looks as if someone is covering the fact that they were in the house when the house burned down. Perhaps the investigation should be reopened. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Randy Leach

Randy Leach, seventeen, was last seen in Northeast Kansas, at a party, at 2:30 AM on April 16, 1988. Reportedly, he had been drinking at the party, but that still does not explain his disappearance. I will see what the Tarot will reveal.
The reading starts with the four of cups, reversed, crossed by the Knight of Swords. As events leading up to this, we have the two of swords and Temperance, reversed. The four of cups reversed tells us of a new, but fleeting interest Randy had in someone he met that night. This is crossed by the Knight of Swords, and I do not like to see this, because this card often represents a violent event or a violent man. The two of wands is a card of partnership, and sometimes of joint ownership of properties and businesses. It's possible that it relates to the owners of the home where the party was held. Temperance reversed confirms that alcohol was involved, unfortunately.
The next two cards are court cards, and they are the King of Wands, reversed, and the Queen of Wands, also reversed. This is a couple who were not kindly disposed toward Randy that night. When the King of Wands falls reversed, we often find that he stated negative intentions prior to acting on them. The Tower follows, in the place of fears. This is a card of ruin, and as it shows up as a fear, Randy was aware of danger; for this reason I think we can dispense with any notion that he ran away from home willingly. He knew that he had suddenly found himself in a very vulnerable position with these two people. In the place of environment, we have the Page of Pentacles, reversed. When upright, this card often represents a message of some sort, and I think it's appearance upside down tells us that someone is still trying to make sure that no message, or tip, concerning Randy's whereabouts is ever conveyed. As a direction, pentacles would point north, and their element is earth, yet this card is reversed. I think Randy is still somewhere very close to where he was last seen. Also, material resources, and the preservation of same, are somehow connected to keeping the secret. Next, we find the eight of pentacles, which is the card of employment and learning skills. This is a hope that is connected to the secrecy represented by the reversed Page of Pentacles; somehow, someone was protecting his or her employment and livelihood. The reading ends with the eight of wands; staffs flying through the air, over an open field. This describes something quite accidental that leads to a clue that helps to find this young man. I wish the reading could have been more positive.