Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Lyon Sisters

Katherine and Sheila Lyons, ten and twelve years old, disappeared in 1975, in Maryland, at Wheaton Plaza. There was massive media coverage, and everywhere that could possibly be searched was searched; every lead was investigated....yet no trace of the girls was ever found.

So....what happened to them and where are they? The reading starts with the two of pentacles crossed by the six of pentacles. This almost screams material resources. The two is about maintaining balence amid change, and sometimes about communication, and the six is about reaping what is sown or collecting and paying what is owed. It is hard to imagine chilren as young as Katherine and Sheila Lyon experiencing circumstances containing these elements! Beneath this, we have the eight of swords, reversed, which in this position, tells us that restrictions that had been in place were eased immediately before the girls disappeared and contributed to the situation in one way or another. It's possible that this represents the parents allowing the girls to shop by themselves at Wheaton Plaza. Behind this, we also have the ace of wands, which is the opportunity that was created for the perpetrator. He (and it WAS a "he") had no difficulty getting the girls to listen to him and leave the plaza with him. The next card we find is the six of swords, which is a card of travel, and I think the message therein is clear. The girls were taken somewhere else. This was done with relative ease, and the next card we have describes the person who did it; the King of Pentacles, reversed. He is a man who is dishonest about money, associated with white collar crime and, oftentimes, other crime, and is often a gambler.
The ten of swords comes up reversed in the place of fears, which represents the sad fear both girls had of never seeing their family again. In the place of environment, we have the nine of swords, telling of worry, imprisonment, and possibly, death. This is followed by the four of swords, reversed, which, when falling in this position, is a card of hoping for an opportunity to act or run, but which, sadly, never materialized. The last card here is the two of swords, which is the stalemate that this case has become. I find it interesting that six cards from the suit of swords came up in this reading, and that two cards with a value of two, and two cards with a value of six came up. Swords represents violence, and east......for instance, the nine of swords in the place of environment could simply mean "nine to the east". It could also mean an awareness of death or danger, or it could mean both. The pentacles that appeared in the reading point not only to monetary matters as a possible motive, but possibly to political matters.....I do not think the perpetrator was linked by familial connection here, but possibly by business dealings with one or both of the girls' parents. The two of swords is often a truce of sorts, sometimes between family members. It's appearance has me wondering if contact, unreported to the media, was made by the perpetrator in the way of a threat to the girls; and if that might be the reason they were never found. The only card that is not a sword or a pentacle is the ace of wands, which was the opportunity. It seems to me that not all of the statements of witnesses were properly investigated, and that not all of those who knew both girls were investigated, either. Someday, I think the whole secret will unravel because of a statement offered by an accomplice or an accessory after the fact, and I think the person's attorney will urge him or her to do it. This may have already happened, and it may be up to cold case investigators to re-examine statements and evidence and put it all together.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012