Showing posts with label workmates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workmates. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

How Can Sierra Lamar Be Found?

As a bit of an update to the readings I have done for Sierra Lamar, I decided to ask the Tarot how she can be found. Unfortunately, this case is dragging. I drew three cards for the past here, and those are the two of pentacles, which speak of difficulties with new projects, the Knight of Pentacles, olive complected male with dark hair and eyes; I believe this is the suspect who has been charged, and the eight of pentalces, reversed. Either the suspect's former workmates need to be questioned one more time, or the premises of the suspect's former job, and the surrounding areas, need to be searched again.

For the present, I drew the Queen of Wands, who has shown up in earlier readings about Sierra, the King of Wands reversed, and the six of cups reversed. The Queen here is a woman who probably has blond or strawberry blond hair and is working hard to find Sierra. The reversed King is a man who's efforts are countering her efforts, and effectively stalling her. The six of cups reversed represents outworn ideas for solving cases like this, that have worked in the past, but will not work now. The King of Wands is not allowing the Queen to use her instincts to get at the truth.

In the future, we get the seven of swords, reversed; the six of pentacles, reversed, and the five of wands. The seven of swords reversed speaks to good legal counsel, but it is somehow met with the bad debts or unfair dealings represented by the reversed six of pentacles. The last card is the five of wands, which tells of more contradictions and games. It looks very much to me as if the suspect's former place of employment, or his former workmates, could yield the answers.