Showing posts with label william tyrell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label william tyrell. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Search For William Tyrell

Three year old William Tyrell went missing over six months ago, so where is he, and what happened? We start out with the nine of cups, reversed, crossed by the five of swords. This is a message of revenge, in response to an imagined slight, or a "mistake" on someone's part, in some plan or process. Before this, the eight of swords, reversed, was the driving impetus. This has to do with removing one's self, or someone else, from a "trapped" position, and of gaining freedom. Somehow, these elements laid the groundwork for this child to disappear. 

An event that led up to this is illustrated by the Page of Cups, which tells us that someone involved here had just begun something new in life, and was almost ready to announce and celebrate it. I often see this card in conjunction with a birth. But......not everyone shared the celebratory mood. The next card is the ten of swords, which is clearly a card of violence, and also a card I truly do not like to see in a missing person's reading. It is followed by more bad news, the six of wands, reversed. This is a card that often shows itself reversed when an enemy, or someone with criminal intent, finds a way to gain leverage. This card's presence is why I am leaning toward William's disappearance being deliberate, and not an accident. 

The intentions of the perpetrator are shown by the four of pentacles, which is a card of the hoarder and miser. This is someone who has had setbacks, material and financial setbacks, and did not want someone close to William to enjoy new adventures or opportunities. It is also someone who does not like to share, and this time, the "feel" is that of a man in his thirties, or possibly early forties......I still say mid-thirties. It is followed by the ace of pentacles, reversed. This is public perception of the perpetrator's circumstances, and also the perpetrator's self image. The ace of pentacles reversed often refers not only to missed opportunities, but to crime, and money gotten through illicit means. A strong fear comes up as Judgment, reversed, which tells us that separation was, somehow, a motive for this crime. Sometimes, this card speaks to a fear of death, but as William is only three, I think this fear is on the part of the grownups. The last card is the six of swords, which is travel, often over water. While I see a lot of violence in this reading, and I see two cards that are often connected to murder, the ten of swords and reversed Judgment, and the reversed six of wands is almost always unfavorable news.......the six of swords is still a card of voyages. Maybe William can still be rescued. Swords point us east, and pentacles point us north. I will keep my fingers crossed.