Showing posts with label trapped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trapped. Show all posts

Friday, August 22, 2014

Kara Kopetsky

Kara Kopetsky, of Belton, Missouri, was last seen at her school on May 4, 2007. She was initially listed as a runaway by law enforcement, but it has been seven awfully long time for a runaway to stay hidden. So I will put the obvious questions to the Tarot.

We begin with the seven of swords, reversed, crossed by the eight of swords. The seven of swords generally denotes a theft, or an effort that is incomplete due to lack of ability or resources....the subject is attempting to take or do something he or she does not have a right to take or do. But here, it is reversed, but crossed by the eight of swords, a card of entrapment and restraint. What this gives us is a picture of someone who THOUGHT he or she could either take or get away with something, but actually couldn't. It was tried, though. The background for this is the King of Wands, who is an unyielding older male whose advice should have been followed, and the six of cups, a card of childhood and memories. So a deeper picture of a conflict here has to do with being a child vs. being an adult, and being recognized as an adult. Somehow, and I am not sure where this fits.....a yellow cat seems to be part of the scenario.

Above this, we have the Empress, who is the mother in this situation. Kara's mother is still looking for her, and will not stop until Kara is found. And a future event is Judgement, which is a renewal of search efforts for some reason, possibly an overlooked clue suddenly come to light. As a physical location and event, this card would literally depict an object suddenly being revealed in water deep enough for hidden objects, such as a lake or a reservoir. The swords point us east, yet not east.....once again, the seven is reversed. I would expect the answer to lead us somewhere rather close to where Kara was last seen, within thirty miles. 

The Emperor appears at the base of the staff; he is a male with authority in this case, and if not Kara's father, has an air of fatherly authority. He is upside right, so I will assume he is kindly disposed toward Kara, and looking for her, as is her mother. The six of pentacles appears in the place of environment, lending an element of "you get what you pay for", or "give and take" to this situation. Did someone perceive Kara as owing money? Was some sort of blackmail involved here? This card points to a trade or an exchange as having taken place between Kara and someone immediately before she disappeared. The next card is a card of regret: the five of cups. The regret is not on Kara's part, however; it is on the part of the last person to see her. While this person would be a man, I am not seeing a romantic relationship. In fact, the nature of the acquaintance between Kara and this person may have been the source of tension between Kara and the King of Wands. But the five of cups speaks to regret and loss, things that were not intended. It is also another water card. The last card we have is the Moon. The Moon is often psychic knowledge, but can also indicate deception and can tie into the aspect of that which is hidden by the High Priestess. We can be quite certain that Kara probably did not run away from home, but encountered some very bad circumstances that were covered up and well hidden. As a physical location, the Moon is also a watery card, specifically in a place where the reflection of the moon can be seen on the water. 

I wish this reading could have given us a more positive outlook. I always advise not to ever give up or stop looking for a missing person until he or she is found.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Update For Daniel James O'Keeffe

Daniel James O'Keeffe is still missing, and someone asked for some pinpointed information, and I will do my best. The question had to do with where O'Keeffe is located, and when he will be found.

The first three cards, the past, are the Knight of Pentacles, reversed, the Queen of Pentacles, reversed, and the three of swords, also reversed. When the Knight of Pentacles falls reversed, he often describes carelessness or laziness on the part of a young man. This knight is also accompanied by the queen of the same suit, also reversed. When the Queen of Pentacles falls reversed, we often see a woman whose duties are neglected and who is overly dependent on others for resources. These two are a couple. Unfortunately, one of them has compromised the other, as indicated by the next card, which is the three of swords, reversed.

For the present, we have the nine of swords, reversed; Death, and the eight of swords, reversed. The nine of swords reversed tells always of worry, but sometimes of false imprisonment and of being literally trapped in a situation or a location. Death generally does not refer to physical death, but to a major change, which would be happening either now or very soon. Sometimes, it does refer to death; but that is only a message that is given when all parties are able use the information for growth and understanding. The eight of swords follows this, and this card is also reversed. Upright, it also refers to a state of being trapped, somehow; reversed, it means quite the opposite. These three cards tell a story segment of having been trapped in a place or in a situation, but a very major change turning the situation around. I will keep my fingers crossed that it is for the positive.

The future gives us the five of swords, reversed, which is vengeance and possibly, defeat of some kind. Who wanted revenge on Daniel? The King of Pentacles also figures here, and since he is upside right, I will assume he means Daniel well. He is, for good or for ill, involved in finding Daniel, but Daniel is not entirely keen on this, for reasons that are not entirely clear. The last card here is the six of pentacles, reversed, which indicates money owed somewhere. This may be how the King of Pentacles figures; Daniel....or James, if he is called James, needs to be aware that he is safe if he comes home.

It is hard to lay a time estimate on events described in reading; what I call soon may be what others call distant. What the Tarot calls soon may be centuries from what we call soon, but the three cards for the "present" in this reading showed some changes either now, or very "soon", (there's that word, again!) so I would not give up on this case.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Robin Pope

Robin Pope was last seen in Maryland on March 1 of this year. So far, a few clues have been found, but no one has heard from Robin.
So what happened to Robin Pope and where is she? The reading begins with the six of swords, reversed, crossed by the seven of wands. The six of swords usually involves travel when it is upright, but reversed, it means quite the opposite. But water is somehow still part of the picture, just not travel over it or through it. The seven of wands is all about guarded knowledge or guarded property. I am going to venture a guess that about six to ten feet of water on private property, where law enforcement would need a warrent to search, is an important part of this picture.
As a foundation for this event, we have the three of swords, reversed. This tells of romantic and marital break-ups, and of difficulty in reaching agreements when rifts have taken place. This is an event that served as a cause of Robin's disappearance. The next card shows us the Knight of Swords attempting to disappear into the past. This is often a card of violence, either an event or a person, and here I would say he represents both. As a person, he would be a middle aged male who is capable of violence and has a motive for the same. Possibly blue eyes and light brown or greying hair. A possible future connection this man may seek out is the King of Pentacles, reversed. This is an older man, who is focused on money. As he falls reversed, do not expect him to be honest or have Robin's best interest at heart. Another future omen is the eight of swords. This fortells difficulty locating Robin, and tells us that wherever Robin is, she is trapped. The message here is similar, in this case, to what we saw in the reversed six of swords........non-movement and a few feet of water. I hope that I am wrong. Another possible message here is that the case gets stalled for awhile, for some reason.
The person who knows where Robin is would like to avoid the discovery of evidence by young people hunting or playing, and finding evidence by accident. The Page of Wands appears in the place of his fears, and he is already worried about young people, or, for some reason, children, divulging and announcing his secrets. Strength reversed appears in the place of environment, telling us that abuse of power has also played a role in this situation. Either someone in a position of authority has dropped the ball and refused to bring Robin home and have this perpetrator charged, or the person on whose property the evidence, or Robin herself, is hidden knows exactly what is going on and refuses to allow anyone to search. In the place of hopes, we find the Chariot, reversed. This is a card of voided projects and sometimes, unthical victories. Also, there is a message here that is similar to the reversed six of swords and the eight of swords; by this perpetrator's design, Robin has not been found. The final outcome here is Temperance, which is a good card. It points to workable and productive combinations, so we can expect forensic evidence, the mundane and physical meaning of this card here, and law enforcement, the "people" part of the mix, to work together and solve this case.