Showing posts with label toddler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toddler. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Elijah Vue


Three year old Elijah Vue, has been missing from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, since February 20 of this year. His mother, Katrina Baur, had left him in the care of her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, and claims that she has not seen him since. Both are currently facing charges connected to Elijah's disappearance. The state of Wisconsin and the community from which Elijah disappeared have conducted intense searches that have yielded nothing. So what has happened to little Elijah Vue, and where is he? I decided to see what the cards have to say.

I used a horoscope spread for this reading, because it covers more of the bits and pieces of information that can lead to a viable conclusion in a case like this. The first house, which is the "face" of the situation, gives us the three of pentacles, reversed. This tells us that the whole thing started because of a work related matter; someone involved here didn't have childcare, or someone was unable to juggle the demands of parenting with the demands of work. The second house card, which represents material goods and possessions, gives us the Queen of Cups. This is a woman who is involved heavily in this matter. She is upside right, rather than reversed, so I will assume that she initially did not intend harm. The Moon, reversed, lands on the third house, of communication and short journeys. When the Moon falls reversed, we see deception and bad intentions. There was not only a failure to communicate, but a secret desire to harm someone. Also, as a mundane observation, water is an indicated physical location. Moving along to the fourth house, of family life, and latter days of life, we have the four of pentacles, reversed. This refers to waste of resources, and in this case, it looks like a waste of an effort. So far, search efforts have also failed.

The fifth house deals with entertainment, creativity, and often children; and we have the King of Wands, reversed in it. This is a man directly involved in Elijah's disappearance, and when this king falls reversed he represents a man who is intolerant and nasty. As this is the fifth house card, I deem it to mean that Elijah was the victim of a man who does not like children. In the sixth house, of inconveniences and obvious enemies, (not hidden enemies.....that's the twelfth house) we find the seven of pentacles, reversed. This speaks of impatience, and it tells us why this whole situation happened: impatience with children. 

The card of the father, the Emperor, appears in the seventh house, of partnerships. This is an interesting card to fall upside right in the house of partnerships: has anyone checked the properties of the fathers of either of the suspects? Also, this shows us that Elijah's actual father is kindly disposed toward him, and wants to find him. The eighth house, representing the assets of partners and sometimes of those who have died, shows the two of swords, indicating a stalemate of some type. This shows that Elijah is still missing, and that one or both of the suspects has something to gain from not coming forward with information. 

The ninth house, of community, ideals, and long journeys, gives us the Queen of Pentacles. I believe this is a woman who has the skills and the experience to find Elijah and possibly, to work with the defendants who have been charged. This is followed by the two of cups, in the tenth house of public life and government. The Queen of Pentacles may have the ability to not only work with the community in the search, but also with Elijah's mother, to get the necessary information concerning his whereabouts. The eleventh house, of hopes, wishes, and organizations gives us the King of Swords, reversed. This king represents a lying man and dishonesty, in general, when he falls reversed. I think, in this case, he represents an attorney connected to one or both of the defendants. The last card, representing the twelfth house, of hidden enemies and dissolution, is the eight of cups, which gives a scenario in which a goal is attained, only to be discarded. This shows difficulty in finding Elijah. I think Elijah will be found after the search has been expanded by at least eight miles, and I think it will be in an area that is not completely rural, but rural enough to hide someone or something. The four of pentacles and the six of pentacles both refer to earth; the six of pentacles showing a tree. The eight of cups suggests that a river or a stream may have been crossed. The outcome looks very sad, and I always hope that I am wrong about a reading such as this.  

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Cooper Harris Dies In A Hot Car

Can you do a reading on the circumstances around the death of Cooper Harris, the twenty-two month old who died after being locked in a car for 7 hours?

This is a bit unusual, since so much of the case and background is already known, but I will see what the cards say. This is a nine card spread, telling us past, present, and future. To my commentor, I have added a link to your question for anyone wishing to see some the published media on this case. 

The first three cards here are the Fool, Justice, and the Hanged Man, reversed. The Fool often represents opportunity, but considering the nature of the question, I think he is a blunt reference to the type of choice made by Cooper's father. Clearly, a level of responsibility was needed and not met. Justice falls upside right, next. This does not mean that the death was just, but considering that it is followed by the reversed hanged man, I think it is describing a state of mind: someone directly involved felt "justified" somehow, for the actions taken. When the Hanged man falls reversed, he tells of unwillingness to sacrifice or balance the needs of others against one's desires, or the inability to take responsibility. Justice is also telling us that the direct involvement of law enforcement is appropriate here, because someone knew better, but did not want to go to the trouble it would have taken to be responsible.

The next three cards are the six of cups, the six of wands, and the King of Wands, reversed. The six of cups is a card of memories, often of childhood. The six of swords, on a very basic level, is travel. When the King of Wands falls reversed, we see a man who is unyielding and often impatient, and the message here is that this King did not feel he had time for a child's transportation on this occasion, and felt angry about it. It's very direct and very sad. 

The last three cards are the four of pentacles, reversed, the two of swords, and the Sun. The four of pentacles refers to wasted money and resources, connected to this case. The two of swords is a temporary agreement for more time to make a decision about this case, and the Sun is a double reference. It tells us that yes, Cooper died of hyperthermia after being left in a hot car, in the sun, but it also tells us that there will be a quick conclusion to this matter, despite the stalemate in the two of swords. 

I guess it bears repeating.....NEVER leave a child or an animal in a hot car.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Garnell Monroe Moore


Missing Since: August 2002 from Baltimore, Maryland
Classification: Endangered Missing
Date of Birth: May 18, 1995
Age: 7 years old

Garnell Monroe Moore was last seen in 2002, but as he often lived with different relatives, everyone thought he was with someone else until 2005, when he was finally reported missing. Here is a reading about him.

This reading starts with the Chariot crossed by the Empress. The chariot generally represents the balencing of opposite forces to move productively of the physical plane in one direction. That is why cars and other modes of transportation are often indicated by this card. Here it is crossed by the Empress, which is the "mother" card of the tarot. so we have efficient movement either by, to, or away from the natural mother. This is founded by the three of cups, which is often and ending to something that should have been happy, and sometimes a card of overindulgence.....often in alcohol or drugs. An event in the past is the Page of Wands, who is an active and verbal child; possibly Garnell. The realm of possibilities is represented by the seven of cups, which is telling us that too many choices have been offered here. Since the only choices that have been offered are possibilities as to what happened to Garnell, it can be safely surmised that someone has deliberately offered too many choices, in an attempt to deceive and to keep Garnell from being found. Who would do this? The next card says it was the Queen of Wands, reversed. This woman is jealous, loves to fight and argue, and scares people with her forcefulness. No one wants to stand up to her.

We find the Knight of Pentacles in the place of fears. This is a man who is quiet, but who will not let the memory of Garnell go. He is someone who is an adult, yet under the age forty-five, who really wants to know what happened to Garnell. For environment, we get the five of swords, reversed. There is an element of "vengence" or "revenge" at play, the the reversed Queen of Wands would be well advised to understand this. Not everyone is buying her story. The nine of swords, reversed, comes up in the place of hopes and fears, and the message there is simple: someone is worried about going to prison for this. One of the meanings of this card, especially reversed, is imprisonment. The final card is the King of Swords, reversed, who is not pleased with the reversed Queen of Wands, whom we met earlier. As soon as enough evidence is gathered, the Queen can expect the judical system to deal harshly with her. Sadly, I think the reversed three of cups tells us what happened to Garnell. I think he accidently ingested too much of a medicine, such as a cough syrup, or died from some sort of neglect.