Showing posts with label robbery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robbery. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Melanie Metheny

Melanie Metheny has been missing from West Virginia since July 19, 2006. Since then, her name has come up in testimony once, during a trial in West Virginia, but she still has not been found. 

We start with the four of wands, a happy, celebratory card, crossed by the five of swords, a violent, vengeful card. It appears that Melanie was simply going about her own business on July 19, when she was targeted by a very violent man. This is founded by the ace of wands, which represents the window of opportunity this man was able to open, here. The ace of wands can describe  new family, birth, or business opportunity, and sometimes, an inheritance; but it is always an asset that acts as an opportunity, not something to be hoarded. Whoever the man is, he knew enough about Melanie to know that she had something he wanted, and thought he could take, as illustrated in the six of pentacles, which follows. The six of pentacles tells us that Melanie might have been willing to lend or give this man money, but he, for some reason, wasn't satisfied. As the card has fallen upside right, it does not quite fit the scenario of a robbery, but the violence of the five of swords describes the situation as very similar to a robbery. 

The next card is the Knight of Cups, reversed. This man is a liar, who is often involved in theft and fraud. Sometimes, drugs, alcohol, and addiction are part of the picture. This is the person who can lead us to Melanie. The four of swords follows, reversed. I believe the message in this card, as it has come up, is paranoia. The unrest, and sometimes, fear, that are associated with the four of swords falling reversed have a lot to do with why Melanie disappeared. The perpetrator was unwilling to take a chance that she would testify about him. 

For self, indicating Melanie, we get the three of cups. As a situation, this is another happy card, but it falls in a place we often find fears. She was aware, at some point, that she had been snatched from a family she cherished.......the ultimate robbery. As a location, it would indicate springs and small streams. For environment, the Tarot gives us the five of cups, which is another water card. The five of cups tells us that clues have been overlooked, and valuable information has somehow been rejected. As a location, it would also indicate streams. In the place of hopes, we find the Emperor, who represents control. He is also a man who would like to see Melanie found. While law enforcement is usually represented by court cards in the suit of swords, I think the Emperor may be an investigator. He would love to use force on the suspect to gain information, as illustrated by the ace of swords appearing as the final outcome, but hopefully, he will remember to be a bit more subtle and mindful of emotions when he gathers information, which is another message of the three and five of cups. 

Another suggestion of the four of swords is man-made tunnels and shafts.