Showing posts with label rhoden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rhoden. Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Rhoden Family Murders

Christopher Jr., Christopher Sr., Dana, Kenneth, Gary, Hannah May, and Frankie Rhoden and Hazel Hannah Gilley were all found murdered in Cincinnati, Ohio in April of 2016. Three small children were left unharmed. Over a year later, the murders are still unsolved.Someone asked me, not too long ago, for the Tarot's comment on this case. This is another horoscope spread; sometimes, when there are many factors to take into account, this type of spread can show me the interactions between details involving multiple victims.

Our first house card, describing the crime scene and the crime, itself, is Death. These murders were definitely premeditated and deliberate. The murders were also committed by someone who felt above the law, and possessed of the "right" to kill another person. The second house, of money and possessions, specifically possessions that are connected to family, is the nine of pentacles, reversed. When this card falls reversed, it refers to financial projects that have not worked out well, and to losses....often of home or real estate; so we are already seeing an emerging story line, here, that could contribute to motive. There was someone who felt cheated out of security or home by this family. In the third house, which governs communication, short journeys, business prospects, power, commerce, and relatives, we have the two of cups. The two of cups is a card of partnerships. Often, it is seen as a card of romantic partnership, but this is misleading. It can describe a harmonious business partnership, too. Since we have it in the third house, we can see that there was either an assumed agreement made, involving property or belongings, or an agreement that was actually made verbally, yet not followed. Also, I think this card is telling us that there is more than one suspect in the murder; there is not only the person who pulled the trigger......there is an accessory or an accessory after the fact.

The fourth house, of home, environment, property, and mother, reiterates this theme by giving us the five of cups. The five of cups is about regrets, and the perpetrator has some regrets. Sometimes, this card speaks of inheritance, or marrying someone for money, but it is almost never up to one's expectations. This dynamic played a role in the situation.

The ace of cups, reversed, is in the fifth house of pleasures and love affairs. Here we have a failed relationship also contributing to the perpetrator's instability. Next, in the sixth house, we have two of swords. The sixth house is about day to day events, mundane work relationships, health, and everyday things. Whoever killed this family was at a standstill or a lull in his everyday activities in life. In fact, that contributed to the opportunity to make time to commit this crime. The seventh house, of partnerships, yields the ten of wands, reversed. This card is about lost lawsuits, duplicity, and broken promises. It is followed by the the eight of wands in the eighth house, telling about an exciting new flirtation for someone......someone in the Rhoden family had broken an agreement with someone, in favor of chasing something new with a different person.

In the ninth house, of law, long journeys, beliefs, and protection, we have the six of pentacles, reversed. This continues to tell a story of broken financial promises, assets, and a person who feels wronged via assumed or consciously made agreements. When the six of pentacles falls reversed, we often see bad debts or bad business practices. Seeing this card in the ninth house of law tells me that we are dealing with a murderer who took the law into his own hands. The tenth house, of social standing, relationships with employers, and the father, gives us the Wheel of Fortune, reversed. This murderer had just had a run of bad luck, either in connection with his job, or with some other aspect of his life involving his reputation and social standing. He may have been denied credit somewhere, prior this this incident. Following this, in the eleventh house, of hopes, dreams, and social life rather than social standing, we have the eight of cups, reversed. This signifies that the perpetrator has not told anyone who did not already know, what he did. The eight of cups is a card of shallow pleasure and abandonment of the spiritual in favor of material, and the eleventh house is the house of friends, and this person is living it up, so to speak.

The twelfth house, of secrets and secret enemies, shows the five of swords. The five of swords is a card of violence and revenge. To sum this up, the person who committed these murders did so for revenge: he felt that someone in the Rhoden family owed him something material, he was declined, and he set out to get revenge. Look for him to be early middle-aged and have reddish or dark blond hair, and a possibly a small paunch or love handles. There is another person close to him, possibly a lover, who knows what he did.