Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Update On Relisha Rudd

A question was posed to me concerning the time frame of finding Relisha Rudd. The Tarot is notoriously difficult to understand in establishing time frames, but I will attempt to answer this question based, not only on linear time, but other considerations. Sometimes, a clue linked to an event can help with a guess about how much time is needed, or the Tarot can give us a suggestion.

The first three cards, which represent the past, are the five of wands, the seven of pentacles, and the five of pentacles. The five of wands tells us about games and trickery. Precious time was lost in reporting Relisha missing, because the perpetrator was playing games with everyone from Relisha's family to her school, and later on, to law enforcement. The seven of pentacles is a situation of carefully waiting for fruit to ripen on a cultivated tree, with tells me that initially, a sincere effort to find Relisha was actually made. It came up empty, as we can see with the five of pentacles. Note that we have two fives here, which can mean five of anything, or the fifth of something........we may have the fifth month, which would be May; or we may have five weeks. The suggestion in the seven of pentacles is that this investigation will take some digging and some legwork before it comes to fruition.

The three cards which represent the the present are Death, reversed; the two of pentacles, reversed; and the Hierophant. When Death appears reversed, we are being told that there is stagnant energy about, as in movement is stalled. The two of cups is a water card; once again, we are reminded that water is part of this entire picture. But as this card falls reversed, there is not only instability in the physical environment, such as rain and varying water levels, but disagreement between the community and investigators about finding Relisha. In the future, the Hierophant foretells some agreement, however. He represents codified conformity and community. Individuals in Relisha's community still feel that authorities have dropped the ball on this situation, though. The reader should note that the numeric value of the Hierophant is also five.

The future of this effort brings us the ten of wands, reversed; the Emperor, and the ace of swords. The ten of wands reversed speaks to the recognition of failed efforts. I say "recognition" because it is followed by the Emperor, who is a decisive male figure with a certain amount of authority. Combined with the Hierophant in the last three cards, he can give searchers a lot of help and direction. The last card is the ace of swords, which augers success, but also tells us that new methods must be employed here. New tools, and possibly an aerial view, either connected to this search; or in some other process, yet yielding clues, nonetheless; will be helpful. But it will happen, and in the meantime, no clue, phone call, message, tip, or sighting should be overlooked or discounted. 

Time constraints and time frames are very hard to deduce from Tarot, but it looks like five is a symbolic number, this time. It could be five weeks or five months, or the first week after the fifth month, or the five could mean something else, entirely. This reading gave us something else, though; it showed a few of the challenges in finding this little girl. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ashley Freeman And Laura Bible

Ashley Freeman and Laura Bible allegedly spent a night, in December of 1999, in a trailer that burned down, but only the bodies of Ashley's parents were found, not the two girls, who were sixteen at the time of the fire. Since then, no one has been able to locate them, despite the occasional rumor.
For the basis, we have the eight of pentacles, reversed, crossed by the three of pentacles. This is a clear message of lack of ability in a trade or line of employment. But what could that possibly have to do with the disappearance of two teenage girls? As a bit of background and as a possible underlying reason for the whole situation, fire and all, we have the Tower, reversed. The tower usually involves karma and involuntary repayment of karmic debt, but as the card falls reversed, I will say that this time, it was man-made; more like vengeance than anything cosmically deserved by anyone here. This is followed by the two of cups, the only card representing Ashley and Laura. They, somehow, were unintended "victims". The five of wands follows this, and this card usually describes games and runaround, the type of "beating around the bush" one gets from someone who has no intentions of honesty. And......honesty was somehow lacking after this fire. This is followed by the five of swords, which is deliberately applied violence and revenge. Also lies and cover-up. Force was the only way for someone to win a dispute, and that is what this whole situation was all about.
The staff contains four court cards, which makes this a very unusual reading. These are four different people who were involved in this matter. In the place of fears, we have the Knight of Swords. Often, he is a violent person, or a violent event; but in this case, he is a person. Court cards in the suit of swords are often law enforcement, and this man was in his thirties or early forties in 1999. The reports filed about this fire and the victims is represented by the King of Cups, reversed. This king is usually someone who lies when he falls reversed, and he has a lot of authority. He relates his spin on this matter directly to any investigators and to the public. Getting even worse, we have the Knight of Cups next. He is also dishonest when reversed, and he is in the place of hopes and fears, which means that while he is somewhat younger than the King of Cups, he successfully wielded a certain amount of fear over the king, and the king spun this story the way the knight wanted it spun. The final card is the King of Swords, who is often law enforcement, or a lawyer or judge. He is upside right, but he is at odds with the King of Cups about the investigation of the fire. For reasons that are not known, he has gone along with what the other men wished.
Grrrr....from all appearances, and according to this reading, it looks as if the fire was deliberate, and aimed at the two adults in the house, not the girls. In the scenario given by the reading, the Ashley and Laura were unintended victims of the fire. There is no card here that tells me that they escaped; and I do not believe they ever got out alive. It looks as if someone is covering the fact that they were in the house when the house burned down. Perhaps the investigation should be reopened. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Will Sierra Lamar's Case Ever Be Resolved?

Sierra Lamar went missing in March of 2012, and it has been almost two years with no answers. A suspect has been charged, but not tried. His court dates continue to get continued. So will her case ever be solved?

Three cards here indicate the search and investigation in the past: the ace of cups, the Hierophant, and the Queen of Cups. Water has always come up in readings I have done in the past, connected to this case, and continues to do so. The element of the suit of cups is water, and the ace is often a river. The Hierophant is tradition, and traditional search methods have been used, albeit unsuccessfully. The justice system is another traditional "system" that is being relied upon, even though the defendant has not responded in the manner expected by investigators and the prosecution. There is also a woman connected to the investigation, showing up in this reading as the Queen of Cups. She has intuitively put together quite a few pieces of the puzzle, already. She would like to find Sierra before insisting upon moving forward in court.

The three cards I pulled for the present are the nine of pentacles, the King of Wands, and the Magician. One of the meanings of the nine of pentacles is completion of a project, and this meaning seems to fit my question about resolution to the case better than any other possible meanings this card has, even though the case has not been solved. The King of Wands is someone male who is also connected to the investigation, and has been since the beginning. He gets some information that comes as a surprise, follows up on it, and turns to the Magician, who is an expert at gathering and analyzing evidence. At this point, I should state the obvious; these cards definitely want to discuss the resolution of finding Sierra and bringing closure to those who love her, rather than prosecution. As the Magician is upside right, I think someone may actually bring him some actual evidence to work with.

The future shows us the six of cups, the High Priestess, and the four of swords, reversed. The six of cups is looking back at the past. Places that have been searched, places the defendant and Sierra have both visited, and; once again, water. A garden with water, a place that somehow welcomes children...yet looks to the pasts of the individuals involved in the case. The High Priestess also deals with water, but in a different way.....she is the subconscious. She also represents things that are hidden. As a physical location, she could also represent a church dedicated to a female saint. The four of swords reversed is renewed activity, successful renewed activity, but with a bit of social unrest. I don't think that finding Sierra, all of the evidence, and a successful prosecution is going to lay this case to rest peacefully. There will be a lot of outcry.

All of the water symbolism points us in a slightly westward direction, and other symbols that jump out at me from the cards are a lake, a river, a garden, a hand, and children playing...ala the six of cups. As unbelievable as it seems, I do see this case resolved one day, sooner than anyone thinks.