Showing posts with label opportunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opportunity. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who Killed Antonia Yager?

Antonia, or Toni, Yager was found deceased in her apartment in Los Angeles, California in December of last year. Her murder is, as of yet, unsolved, and someone recently asked for my take on it. So I will see if the cards will shed any light on Toni's case.

The question I posed was, "Who killed Toni Yager, and why?" We have a main focus of the Knight of Cups crossed by Justice. As the knight is upside right, we will assume he is friend, not foe. Justice, as an entity and an institution, is involved, and is a force that challenges the Knight of Cups, somehow. In the background of the situation, we find the Knight of Wands, reversed, who I think is a likely suspect as the murderer. He is a man, perhaps a few years younger than the victim, and has an attitude of jealousy and likes to start arguments. Also in the background and past of this is the two of cups, which is a partnership of sorts. This tells me that either the reversed Knight of Wands had posed as a friend of Toni's, or had been involved with someone who was her friend. An element of abused partnership and trust exists. The Page of Cups appears as the motive, and I think it is what the killer wanted but did not get......some sort of gift, grant, or endorsement. Toni was seen as the Queen of Pentacles.......generous and rich, and someone thought they could get an affirmative answer from her about something, while she wanted to either think or ask others, first.

In the place of fears, we find the Tower. This card describes oppression and imprisonment, and is an appropriate fear for the perpetrator in a crime like this. The next card is the seven of wands, which tells us that the perpetrator is, for the moment, protected by privacy, both because he wasn't seen, and because no one has spoken up about any suspicions or de facto knowledge of the crime. This killer is hoping to move on, but for some reason, cannot do it right away without either being too obvious, or getting discovered. He has failed in his ambition, but is temporarily locked into the position he was in before he committed the murder. This is supported by the last card, which is the nine of cups, reversed. When the nine of cups falls reversed, it suggests plans that are not well thought out, and material losses. Look for someone who is either discreetly preparing to move residence, or sell his property.

Hopefully, Toni Yager's murder will be solved soon.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Leigh Marine Occhi

Leigh Marine Occhi disappeared from her home in Tuppelo, Mississppi, during Hurricane Andrew in 1992. As the story goes, Leigh was only home alone for about an hour, but when her mom came home that morning, all she could find was blood and other evidence of violence, but no Leigh. I have gotten a couple of requests for readings, so I will do one. There did not seem to be many pictures of her, and this was the best poster I could find, with contact information, as well as pictures. 

The first two cards in this reading are the King of Wands crossed by the eight of wands. The King of Wands is upside right, so I will assume he means Leigh no harm, but the eight of wands is telling us of jealousy playing a role in the situation. Beneath this is the three of wands, which bespeaks assistance in this child's disappearance, so there was more than one person involved. The ace of wands also appears in the recent past, (of this event) telling us that a new opportunity enjoyed by someone was also a factor. The nine of wands comes up in the place of things that would have been best, had they materialized, and the nine of wands upright almost always denotes a need for patience. Patience was lacking. The next card is the Hermit, and he is an older man who is still looking for Leigh. 

The ten of pentacles comes up in the place of fears, and this bothers me in this reading, because it represents a fear of losing an inheritance, or a fear of losing a financial opportunity that is more of a gift than an earned bonus or salary. Often, a card depicting money or resources in a position like that will speak to motive for a crime, and it looks as if a fear of loss of material resources was a type of motive here. Also, a resentment, looking back to the ace of wands, over an opportunity that someone was going to be obligated to pass on, but very grudgingly. Bringing us to environment, we see Justice, reversed. The message is quite clear, there has been no justice. Judgement also comes up, but upside right. This is a fear, and someone has a fear of this child being found. Plain and simple. The five of wands is the last card here, and it is a card of violence and revenge. I really hate to see it in this child's reading, because the message is one of vengeance inappropriately expressed toward a child. 

Physical location would appear to be water in this case, and I say this because of the Judgement card, which features the past, or esoteric resurrected souls, rising out of the water. Also the three of wands is often help in the form of moving something through or over water, and I hope nearby watery places were checked as well as they could be. I wish the reading could have been more positive.