Showing posts with label liquor store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liquor store. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Megan Renee Foglesong

Megan Renee Foglesong disappeared in Kansas in either November or December of 2015. Her case is a mystery: very few clues and no leads. There is a possibility that she was seen in a liquor store near the Winter Holiday, but no one is certain, and no one is certain about where she went after that. So we will see what the Tarot has to say.

We begin with the Chariot, reversed, crossed by the Devil, which is also read reversed, here. On esoteric levels,the Chariot generally refers to the ability, or lack thereof, to balance to polar opposites and force them to work together in order to effectively turn the wheels and move forward. On the mundane level, this card can speak of transportation or a general failure to accomplish the task at hand. When the Devil appears reversed, he is usually warning of indecisiveness and unproductive hesitancy. As the beginnings of this mystery, Megan may have had problems with her car and not have been able to resolve them on her own.

The causal background of this gives us the four of cups, reversed. Something happened that made Megan feel very trusting and grateful. Next, also in the recent past, we have the Queen of Swords. She is upside right, here, so we can assume that she meant Megan no harm. She is a woman between the ages of 25 and 40, or so, and appears to be the last person who saw Megan before she disappeared. Next, we have the four of swords, reversed. The is unrest, and it looks as if the Queen of Swords gave Megan some advice about relaxing, or calming down about something. Next, and this is the first hint of a serious problem for Megan, we have the seven of cups. This is a card of delusion and wishful thing. As a positive, it can tell us about creativity, but the norm is for this card to point out confused and irrational thinking. So Megan was agitated about something and had some mistaken ideas about what to do next.

The eight of pentacles comes up reversed in the place of fears. This is a serious concern about the lack of skills at a place of employment, or about the inability to find or keep employment. Could Megan's place of work hold some clues? Next, in the place of environment, we have the King of Pentacles. He, too, falls upright here, so it does not appear that he harmed Megan. He is an important factor in finding her, though. He is a man connected, via the suit of pentacles, to the reversed eight of pentacles in the place of fears. His involvement with Megan had to do with business, rather than friendship. He is probably in the same age group as the Queen of Swords, though not connected to her.

Here is where the reading begins to worry me; in the place of hopes, we have the five of swords. This is a card of fighting, violence, and revenge. This is also shown as a hope on Megan's part. It is a possible window to what might have been going on immediately before Megan disappeared. The last card here is the two of wands, reversed. This card, when reversed, often shows physical domination by others. So it looks, here, as if Megan became involved in a conflict and was overpowered. Another feature of the two of wands is sometimes partnership of sorts, or assistance; which means that more than one person knows what happened to Megan. The amount of time that has elapsed and the lack of exact date date of her disappearance are ominous, but the seven of cups, the five of swords, and the reversed two of wands do not make her fate look promising. I really do not like seeing combinations like this.

As for direction and possible location, the swords in the beginning point us east, and it looks as if that was the direction Megan wanted to proceed. The cups, however; point us west. The subtle hint on the seven of cups also suggests an actual body of water. This is a place that is not easy to search, and where objects that are in the water remain stubbornly difficult to locate. South is the direction of the wands in the two of wands, but as the card is reversed, I would not expect much distance to the south.

I really think the key to solving Megan's case is another look at her employment situation and any workmates she may have had. This reading puts her last interaction before going off the grid at wherever or whatever she did for work. There are two individuals who can shed light on all this, and it does not appear that they have been identified or questioned as of yet.