Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Happened To Melanie Melanson?

Fourteen year old Melanie Melanson disappeared in Massachusetts in 1989, and her case was featured on Dateline. It was several nights before Halloween; someone must know something about her fate. Let's see what the cards tell us.

We start with the three of swords crossed by the Empress. The is unusual; this combination is seen in divorces involving custody disputes much more often than it is seen in missing persons readings. But okay, we have it, so perhaps it establishes a motive. The Empress is here, presenting as a woman in the role of mother, and somehow, some in-fighting, perhaps over Melanie, is part of the situation. Beneath this, we see the Queen of Wands, reversed. As we find this queen reversed, we can be sure that she means Melanie no good. Jealousy is the usual motive for a woman described this way. She would have a quick temper and an impulsive nature, and perhaps, red or blondish hair. This is followed by Temperance. After the personal violence of the three of swords and the impulse of the jealous queen, we have Temperance, which does not seem to follow the story line here, but perhaps it does. Temperance tells of not only warm and fuzzy combinations, but effective combinations, and here, it is telling us that the killer had help consisting of accomplices, who apparently knew how to get away with murder. Evidence was hidden at first, then tampered with. 

The three of cups follows this; and it is a "water" card. Because it's place describes things that happen later, not right away, this water came into the situation later, not immediately. Evidence was destroyed or dispensed with bit by bit, and water was used as a dumping ground. Possibly near a dam or a water purification plant; hence the reference to temperance. Another distinct possibility of the three of cups has to do with alliances: three people who think they have dispensed with this matter and have agreed upon solidarity and to "alibi" each other. 

The next card is the nine of wands. This refers to an air of being "on edge" by someone involved, and could also give us a clue to location. Nine and three seem to be numbers of interest, and names that have to do with "tempering", such as "mixer" or "smelter" may be possible locations, too. Those involved waited until the heat was off and the search efforts had waned, and moved Melanie somewhere else. 

The eight of cups is the first card on the staff, and it describes perspective, from the perpetrators viewpoint. This is overlooking hills, with steams behind and possibly a larger, more still body of water ahead. The next card is the ace of pentacles, reversed. It falls in the place of environment, and this card usually means a missed career opportunity. I think it tells us of missed opportunities by law enforcement, in this case. As a location, it depicts a well manicured park or garden when it's upside right, perhaps with cultivated flowers, but as it falls reversed, it would describe an area that is no longer kept up. In the place of hopes, we have the king of cups, appearing as a man who is still trying to find Melanie. And as a final outcome, we get the ten of cups, which tells us that Melanie actually will be found one day, while she still has family members looking for her. I wish I could deliver better news about Melanie, herself, and I hope that she is found soon.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Using Divination For Locations

Some asked me this question, in relation to Sierra Lamar, and it deserved more than just a short answer, so I got longwinded and wrote an entire post about it! Here's the question: "Can u pinpoint a high area of interest where her body is? Juli do u ever use forsenic astrology or look at other site as reference?"

Once in awhile I look at charts to hone in on a location, event, or person, but forensic astrology is still in it's infancy......inasmuch as interpretations go, anyway......and it seems to be more useful to me in determination of specific elements, rather than exact spots. By that I mean that I would expect a chart for that day to tell me what type of situation Sierra ended up in, and with whom. The cards actually serve me better in terms of exact locations, and in this case a card that we keep seeing, in almost every reading I have done for Sierra, is the four of wands. Other cards that have come up more than once are the eight of swords and the six of cups. The four of wands is a card of celebrations and happy occasions, and as a location it would describe a park or a place where people would gather for family parties. If this card were to point in a direction, it would be slightly to the south, as wands are fire, and the direction of fire is south.

Another card that shows itself frequently in these readings is the eight of swords. Most decks picture the eight of swords with a literal "damsel in distress" trapped in shallow water, surrounded by eight swords. The meaning of this card is a state of having been physically or mentally "trapped" in some way, and often it appears in readings about missing persons to tell us that the missing person, or important clues, can be found in shallow water. Finding such clues is almost never easy, however; as there is a almost always a problem with being "stuck". East is the direction that swords would take us, yet as the card is a card of being trapped or stuck, I would not expect the subject to move very far. So we have a general direction of southeast, but not very far from the general area from where Sierra disappeared.

To look at the six of cups, which we have also seen more than once in readings for Sierra, we get a picture of children playing. Cups represent water, which brings water back into the answer. Not deep water; a pond, shallow lake, creek, or small river. Situational meanings for this card usually include memories and childhood, but when it describes a location it is often an park, playground, or school. I would lean toward a park here because of all the water symbolism we have already seen, and I would expect the park or recreational area to have water for fishing or boating. A reservoir is also a possibility. Cups and water take us west, which brings up the possibility that Sierra's assailant took her one direction, water and elements may have taken her another. Other cards that have come up as clues have been the three of pentacles, the ace of pentacles, and the ten of pentacles, although the ten is almost always reversed. Pentacles point north, but in this case, I think they are telling us that the suspect's workplace either has clues, or that he did not move to far from work for most of his activities.

Another aspect of this is the court cards, which tell us about others involved, and this is where forensic astrology is also often helpful. There has been an adult female referenced in many of the readings for Sierra, and I honestly believe that at least one or two other people know more about Sierra's case than they have let on. This is also why I think Sierra will be found; I think a witness after the fact, or someone who knows a lot about the case will be able to put the information together and find her.