Showing posts with label entrapment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entrapment. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ethan Hunter Bennett

Ethan Hunter Bennett disappeared from Indiana on September eleven, when his parents were out of town. Since then, no one has seen him. So the question I posed is, "what happened to Ethan, and why hasn't anyone heard from him?" We start with the Knight of Cups crossed by the eight of swords. The Knight of Cups is a young man, sentimental and very likely, romantic, and he is between the ages of nineteen and about thirty, in this case. I am thinking that this may represent Ethan. Whatever he was attempting to do before he disappeared, his heart was in the right place, and he had no idea that anyone would ever have to look for him. The eight of swords is a card of crisis followed by entrapment. Leading up to this, we have the Lovers, reversed. This tells us that Ethan had recently made a choice to end a partnership of some sort. Often, this card speaks to a romantic partnership, but not always. The eight of cups, (the second "eight" to appear in this reading) also appears in Ethan's recent past, and this card also speaks to a situation of "changing one's mind" after aquiring or acheiving something. So.....a change of heart was a major factor in this situation. In future possibilities, we find the seven of wands, which speaks of "defending one's own", as in ones's own family or property. This may mean that either Ethan, or proper clues to what happened to him, can only be found on private property somewhere, for which law enforcement will need a search warrent. The Magician reversed appears in the place of what is, or will be. I do not like to see this card here, because it clearly means that power was used for destructive ends.

In  the place of fears, we find Justice, reversed. As this case drags on, people close to Ethan are beginning to feel that it may never be solved. The Knight of Swords is in the environment, somehow; and when I first noticed this card, I thought it might represent violence done to Ethan, but now that I look harder, I think it is law enforcement. It tells me that there is at least one police officer who is very determined to see Ethan found. The four of swords comes up in the place of hopes. In this reading, it confers two messages; first, it tells us to be patient because elements of this matter cannot be rushed and things WILL become known at the right time; second, it shows a hope that Ethan will be found safe. Sadly, the reversed Magician had some very destructive designs concerning Ethan, but I will have hope. The last card is the Page of Cups, reversed. This is the card of the amateur, or the inexperienced. It also betrays deception by way of coverup. This points to someone involved enough in Ethan's circumstances to "cover" for someone. To sum up, it looks as if the answers primarily rest with a violent male, and rest secondarily with a deceptive female.