Showing posts with label decision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decision. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cooper Harris Dies In A Hot Car

Can you do a reading on the circumstances around the death of Cooper Harris, the twenty-two month old who died after being locked in a car for 7 hours?

This is a bit unusual, since so much of the case and background is already known, but I will see what the cards say. This is a nine card spread, telling us past, present, and future. To my commentor, I have added a link to your question for anyone wishing to see some the published media on this case. 

The first three cards here are the Fool, Justice, and the Hanged Man, reversed. The Fool often represents opportunity, but considering the nature of the question, I think he is a blunt reference to the type of choice made by Cooper's father. Clearly, a level of responsibility was needed and not met. Justice falls upside right, next. This does not mean that the death was just, but considering that it is followed by the reversed hanged man, I think it is describing a state of mind: someone directly involved felt "justified" somehow, for the actions taken. When the Hanged man falls reversed, he tells of unwillingness to sacrifice or balance the needs of others against one's desires, or the inability to take responsibility. Justice is also telling us that the direct involvement of law enforcement is appropriate here, because someone knew better, but did not want to go to the trouble it would have taken to be responsible.

The next three cards are the six of cups, the six of wands, and the King of Wands, reversed. The six of cups is a card of memories, often of childhood. The six of swords, on a very basic level, is travel. When the King of Wands falls reversed, we see a man who is unyielding and often impatient, and the message here is that this King did not feel he had time for a child's transportation on this occasion, and felt angry about it. It's very direct and very sad. 

The last three cards are the four of pentacles, reversed, the two of swords, and the Sun. The four of pentacles refers to wasted money and resources, connected to this case. The two of swords is a temporary agreement for more time to make a decision about this case, and the Sun is a double reference. It tells us that yes, Cooper died of hyperthermia after being left in a hot car, in the sun, but it also tells us that there will be a quick conclusion to this matter, despite the stalemate in the two of swords. 

I guess it bears repeating.....NEVER leave a child or an animal in a hot car.