Showing posts with label confusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label confusion. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2011

What Will It Take To Straighten Out The Confusion With Kyron Horman's Kidnapping?

In light of the reading I did on September 5, I asked Tarot another question about the Kyron Horman case. I wanted to know how all of this confusion associated with the case can be straightened out, in order to give law enforcement a proper direction to find Kyron.

In a Celtic Cross, we have the seven of wands crossed by the Lovers. Whoever was initially responsible for Kyron's disappearance is faced with a choice, possibly linked to romance, and will favor just keeping the media and others at bay as long as possible. Underneath this, we have the nine of swords, indicating worry. Then, in the recent past, the nine of pentacles reversed appears, telling me that this person's financial security is not strong right now. Moving along to possible choices or outcomes, I have the Chariot. This person would like to find a way to make the two realities, past mistakes and current coverups, work together to create a way to keep evading the truth. But in the near future, the page of pentacles appears, reversed. This could mean that an event out of this person's control is about to happen, involving a child or an adolescent, or a school. It could also mean that this person is not willing, in any way, to cooperate with law enforcement about Kyron.

The staff begins with the four of swords in the place of the emotional and physical state of the situation.......basically, things are "at rest". In the "enivironment" involving other people, we have the five of pentacles reversed. It would appear that the situation has received some new resources from somewhere, or the perpetrator has gotton some sort of charity. Perhaps both. In the place of hopes, we have the nine of cups, reversed. This is a hope for this whole mess to somehow come to an end....not an unpleasent end, but an end. As a final outcome, the four of cups, reversed, shows up. Rightside up, it represents lack of gratitude and appreciation. Upside down, it can mean a new relationship or opportunity, and looking harder at the reversed five of pentacles........that's another interpretation for that card. It's possible that the perpetrator has found a new romantic relationship.

One more interesting note is that three nines came up. I feel that this means that in mind of the person who took Kyron, this is not completely over. But, the reversals of the none of pentacles and the nine of cups indicate that no opportunity will pan out as long as this matter is not resolved.

Kyron is also nine years old today. Happy Birthday, Kyron! Come home!