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Showing posts with label canada. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Where Is Kathy Sue Wilcox?

Almost forty-three years ago, sixteen year old Kathy Sue Wilcox walked out of her family home in Michigan and never came back. She was billed as a "runaway" in a day and age when "runaways" were not taken too seriously, but she was never seen again. No one ever found out what happened to her.

We begin with the Page of Wands, reversed, crossed by the seven of pentacles, which is also read reversed. This is bad news, brought on by indecision and lack of progress in the investigation. An initial impression I get is that there is something that could have been discovered years ago, but wasn't, because the proper effort was not made.

Beneath this, we get the seven of swords, reversed. Sadly, it looks as if Kathy planned to leave home, for a bit. This is followed by the nine of swords, which is the expected worry and pain felt by her family. Above this, detailing the best possible outcome, we have the three of pentacles, which is the card of the tradesman. This tells me that there IS something that can be done, professionally, to locate Kathy. Unexpectedly, the six of wands follows, telling us that the case actually WILL be solved one day. The six of wands is generally good news, but it tells us to wait for "science to give us an answer". The Knight of Cups appears in the middle of the investigation.......he is upside right, so we must assume that he is kindly disposed toward Kathy. From him, we can expect well thought out ideas and propositions that will actually work. He is an adult, but not as old as most of the people who remember Kathy in Michigan. He either knows something substantial and can help the investigation, or knows how to put together clues in order to find Kathy. Next, we have the six of swords, reversed, describing the environment of the situation. This bothers me a bit, because it screams "standstill!" What is standing still? The investigation? Kathy, herself? This is really the only truly morbid detail in this reading.

Next, in the place of desires, we have the Sun. This tells us that no one who is involved, right now, in the search for Kathy and the investigation played a role in her disappearance. This is good; sometimes guilty parties pretend to search for missing people, in order to throw off police and investigators. Also, this card is telling us that somehow, pleasure in things like gardening, farming, and homesteading play a role in finding Kathy. The final card is the ten of cups, which almost never comes up to describe the lot of a missing person. This card is the definition of happiness, happy marriage, good family life, and soul completion. It is not what I expected. Perhaps Kathy is alive and well. I think it is a possibility. If she is not, she will be found, and her disappearance will be explained.

For clues to Kathy's whereabouts, both cards that usually tell us about location in a Celtic Cross reading about a missing person are "six" cards; the six of wands, and the reversed six of swords. Perhaps the message is "six through the forest, stop at the water." The two "sevens" also give us some clues. The seven of pentacles is often called the card of the farmer, because of its association with crops, trees, and waiting for fruit or crops to ripen. Perhaps there is a clue, therein. And the reversed seven of swords is simply careful planning.....Kathy had every intention of running away. Ultimately, south and west appear to be key directions.

The contact information for this case is in the poster above. Please; if anyone has personal knowledge of Kathy Sue Wilcox, call one of the numbers.