Showing posts with label bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bridge. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Update On Sierra Lamar

There have been some updates on the case of missing Sierra Lamar, the high school student who disappeared in Morgan Hill, California, in 2012. Sierra has not been found, but some explanations have been published by the media concerning the defendant, Antolin Garcia-Torres, and the evidence against him. I have had a couple of requests lately for another reading on her. The biggest question in front of us concerns how and where can Sierra be found.

The three cards I drew for the past are the Queen of Swords, the four of wands, and the nine of cups. This is interesting, because the four of wands has come up for Sierra in previous readings for location. Also, the cards have hinted in previous readings that a woman connected to the perpetrator has more information than she has given. The four of wands is usually a depiction of a celebration or a party, and such elements appear somehow involved with location here, such as a park or a location where a wedding may have been held. I say "park" because I expect it to be an outdoor location, and I also think there may be a bridge and an older building, that may not be in current or continuous use nearby. This is followed by the nine of cups, The nine of cups encourages us not to give up; it is a card of success in it's own right. The success in this card is more emotional than monetary, however; it suggests that a tip or information from someone who cares about justice will help more than financial resources, here.

The next three cards, drawn for the present, are the Hanged Man, the ace of swords, and Justice. The Hanged Man is suspension and sacrifice. Garcia-Torres refuses to explain the evidence, and Sierra has not been found. Her location is in "suspense". The ace of swords represents a heroic new approach to this dilemma, and as it is followed by Justice, I believe the new approach has to do with the prosecution and their decision to proceed with the case using the evidence they have, despite the fact that Sierra is still missing. Either more cooperation from the defendant will be forthcoming, or another person with information will come forward. My fingers are crossed right now, but that is how this looks so far!

For the future, we have the two of wands, the four of cups, and the nine o wands. This is an interesting correlation to the beginning of this reading, which also gave us a "four" and a "nine" card to describe the situation's past events. The difference is that instead of the Queen of Swords, which tells of a female person, we see the two of wands, which tells of possible assistance or help from......another person. The four of cups is dissatisfaction with the status quo, and the nine of wands is lack of patience. So to put this together, it appears that pressure from the judicial system and some very lucky information from someone who does not mind helping can actually solve this case. I wish things could have gone more favorably for Sierra,

Monday, February 4, 2013

Maura Murray

Maura Murray disappeared in New Hamphsire, after a car accident, in February of 2004. Nine years later, no one has found her. Someone asked me to see what the Tarot has to say, so here is a reading. The ace of swords, reversed, crossed by the five of cups describes what happened to Maura. The ace reversed often speaks of too much power leading to obstacles, and in mundane, or physical reality, it could mean too much power in a car or other machine was applied, causing other problems. The five of cups simply refers to that which was left behind. Also, I think may be telling us that there was a bridge that was somehow important back in February of 2004.

The seven of wands appears in the distant past, telling us that privacy has somehow become an issue, and that certain searches will not be carried out and information and questions will not be shared or answered with proper warrents and due process of law. Also in the past, we find the Empress, who is the "mother" in the Tarot, and she represents an event that took place in relation to the disappearance, itself. Marriage and fertility are matters relating to the Empress, sometimes, also, fertile land for farms and fields.

The Fool appears as a possibility, reversed. Upright, he would be telling us that someone is ready to reopen the case and start looking in new places for Maura, but reversed, he says that no one is interested in new ideas to solve her case or find her. Another card that comes up is the King of Swords, which represents authority, law enforcement, and sometimes military affairs. Since the card is upright, I will assume he is kindly disposed toward Maura and interested in helping her come home. Perhaps a military engineer or someone involved in law enforcement actaully will find Maura's remains or clues and insist upon follow-up.

The four of wands, reversed, comes up in the place of fears and negative feelings. This card speaks of happy celebrations, such as weddings, even in reversal. Could Maura have wandered to a park, or an abandoned place where such events were once held? Once again, as in the five of cups, we have a "castle", or a big building that is prominent on the property, on this card. For the current environment, we have the six of wands, reversed, which tells of the delay of an actual search in the right place. Possibly....back to the Empress.....could she have created the delay? The eight of pentacles appears reversed in the place of fears, highlighting a worry about the ability to make money and work if a search were to take place, and we conclude with the King of Cups, reversed, who represents scandals, coverups, and lies.

The situation which led to Maura's disappearance may well have not been deliberate, but for some reason, a deliberate coverup involving a woman of childbearing years and a man old enough to run a business has taken place. These two individuals have stopped anyone from finding this young woman.