Showing posts with label Skelton Brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skelton Brothers. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2013

How Can The Skelton Boys Be Found?

Andrew, Alexander, and Tanner Skelton were last seen with their father before Thanksgiving of 2010. A reading I did for them earlier told us in no uncertain terms that deceit was a factor, and the father has not cooperated in locating them. Someone recently asked me if I would update the reading, since we just passed the third anniversary of their disappearance.
The best question I could think of is pretty simple: how can these boys be found? The first two cards we get are the Devil, reversed, crossed by the three of cups. This speaks of a violent or untimely end to something that was not violent or malicious. At the base is the six of swords, reversed. As this card indicates travel in it's upright position, it tells us, as it has fallen reversed here, that the boys never got terribly far from their father's home, and that there has not been a lot of movement in the case in a long time. This is followed by the Knight of pentacles, reversed. He is a man who is inclined, when reversed, to be unproductive and unreliable. He also deliberately slows things down; he is purposefully impeding this investigation. Earth is the element of pentacles, and that should not be overlooked either. Earth plays a role.
The five of wands, reversed, comes up next, in the place of possibilities. When this card falls reversed, I always expect to see contradictions and dishonesty, and this fits right in with the reversed Knight of Pentacles. His contributions to this have been, up to this point, games. Next, we have the seven of swords, reversed. Upright, this card is a card of wrongful taking, and inability to complete the wrongful taking, or taking on a task that is not fitted to the taker, and cannot be completed for that reason. Reversed, it means refers to good directions or good legal counsel. As we find it in the place of things that will come, in the future, we can be hopeful that someone will find better information soon.
In the place of fears, we find the Wheel of Fortune. Whoever took the boys feels quite lucky at having gotton away with it, so far. Environment is represented by the Lovers, reversed. This is a strange card for an environment of three missing boys; but I think it has more to do with the perpetrator that it does with them. The card seems to be describing a location connected to lovers' quarrels and disputes within a relationship important to the perpetrator. Perhaps a place that was used to just sit and think, after a serious argument. The King of Swords appears in the place of hopes, and as court cards in the suit of swords are often law enforcement, lawyers, or judges, I believe this is a member of law enforcement trying to find the boys. The reading ends with the Hierophant, reversed. The boys will be found by using unconventional methods, or by taking an unconventional tip or idea seriously.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Skelton Brothers

Not too long ago, I got a request to do a reading for the three Skelton brother, Andrew, Alexander, and Tanner, who were not returned to their mother in Morenci, Michigan, after a visit with their father. Their father is in jail, and he refuses to discuss his sons' whereabouts with anyone. They disappeared over Thanksgiving of 2010. My question to the cards was "what happened to the Skelton Brothers, and where are they?"

The first two cards are the World, crossed by Death. This is rather ominous. They began what was supposed to be an exciting trip, and, in one of the rare incidents of actual death chronicles by the Tarot, apparantly died. I truly hope I have interpreted this incorrectly, but I don't think I have. For some background, we have been given the four of pentacles, reversed, which tells us that material losses, due to mistakes and extravagances on the part of the person experiencing the losses, played a role in this sad situation. The five of swords, reversed, tells us about deceit and a violent revenge of some sort. The best we can expect to find is the Knight of Pentacles, reversed. I think this speaks of an event, rather than a person in this reading, and I think we are being told that the boys will be found, very eventually, near or in a field that is not used anymore.....upright, this card is associated with plowed fields, since it came reversed, I am interpreting it as overgrown and unused fields. The Emporer is the next card, and as this is the "father" card, and the boys were with their father when they disappeared, I think the answers lie with the father.

In the mind of the person who did this, it was a way to express anger and keep a quarrel going. The three of swords tells us this. This was done to punish a former lover, the three boys were only collateral. We have the six of cups, which speaks of children, child friendships, and the past, telling us that these three boys were the most convenient way for the perpetrator to hurt the lover he so wanted to punish. The four of cups, reversed, in the place of hopes or fears, speaks of new relationships, and as it is a hope or fear, but not a reality, I think the perpetrator had a real problem with an ex moving on, to a new relationship. The reading ends with the Empress, or the "mother" card. So we have a picture of a father who wanted a relationship with a mother, and did not get what he wanted, and three boys used as pawns. How very sad.

Note: The six of cups appeared in the place of environment, and it may also have been telling us a little about location. Cups are water, which points us west, and the message may be "six to the west" of the father's home.