Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Where Is Lisa Stone?

Lisa Stone, of Dallas, Texas, disappeared in June of 2010. She was last seen at her home, and then simply vanished, with no explanation. So what happened to her and where is she?

This reading begins with the Star, reversed, crossed by the two of pentacles. This is a message of finality of one matter, in the wake of the launch of another. It is also a hint that two or more people may know what happened to Lisa. We find the seven of cups beneath this, which tells us that there has been a lot of speculation, and misinformation, but the right door has not yet been knocked on. We also get the six of pentacles, reversed, in the past; informing us that there was some jealousy or some unfair advantage taken prior to Lisa's disappearance. This had to do with material possessions, money, and income. This card sometimes comes up to describe a situation in which one party decides not to enable another financially. So it appears that disenfranchisement of an "enablee" may serve as a motive. 

The Wheel of Fortune rules, at the moment, and it is upside right. The perpetrator has, so far, evaded justice. The eight of swords appears as a current description of the case, and things are at a standstill, right now. Lack of direction is the reason for this; investigators do not know how to prove any of their suspicions. If the eight of swords were to describe a place, it would be a mucky place with shallow water, where something or someone could be trapped, indefinitely. 

On the staff, we begin with the Devil, reversed. This is a good sign, because upright, the Devil speaks of bondage. This tells us that the perpetrator is worried about the eventual release of information and the emergence of the truth. The general environment is described by the two of swords, which gives us, in this case, a similar message as the eight of swords.....stalemate. Also, many decks have references to water on both the eight of swords and the two of swords; still water and no movement. The hopes of the perpetrator are described by the seven of pentacles, reversed. This is a pretty obvious idea, here. Someone does not want Lisa found. The seven of pentacles reversed gives a picture of efforts to find Lisa never reaching fruition. The last card we have, the final outcome, is the Magician. Someone, somewhere, who knows how to manage a criminal case involving a missing victim, will put the case together and solve it. It will happen as a result of expertise in technology and in detective work. 

For locations, swords often point us east, but in this case, I do not think Lisa is far away. Both of the cards that spoke to me of environment, the eight and two of swords, seemed to be suggesting no movement. The Star, also, suggests water; perhaps water being drained or poured from one source to another. I hope Lisa is found soon. I wish the reading had been more positive. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Julie, i read your site quite often, along with various other sites about tarot reading and forensic astrology. I just wanted to say that in my humble opinion, i find your readings to be very down to earth and amazingly intuitive. It's just my own gut feeling, but i think you are spot on with this reading. i don't know Lisa Stone, but do hope that magician you mentioned solves this case. Thank you for your blog!

  3. I pray this poor woman is found. The story on tv saddened me


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