Sunday, December 28, 2014

Jessica Chambers

I got a request, over the holiday, for an "investigative reading" about the murder of Jessica Chambers, of Mississippi. She was found deceased earlier in December, and fire was used, either as a weapon, or to destroy evidence.

The reading starts with the Queen of Wands, reversed, crossed by the seven of cups. This queen, when reversed, is a jealous, angry woman who acts on impulse, rather than thought. Curously, the suit of wands also represents fire, so we are already being told of the element of fire, and of a feminine influence. The seven of cups represents dreams or delusions......things that the queen wanted, but which were either out of her reach or simply impossible. Beneath this, we find the five of cups, which tells of regrets and bitterness, accompanied by a loss. But that which was out of the queen's reach and the loss represented by the five of cups are emotional matters, and hardly seem like a motive for murder! 

Someone who contributed, in some way, to all this is the King of Cups; but as he falls upside right, I will assume that he is part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. He is a man who is trying to solve this crime, yet is challenged by the lengths to which the perpetrators have gone. He has empathy, almost to a fault. Sometimes it is easier to focus on a murder without so much empathy! This is backed up by the appearance of the Moon, as a possibility. This tells us that working with intuition and theories will help solve the crime; good, old fashioned police work. Sometimes, this card warns of exaggerations and lies, however; so it is important that the general public be patient with investigators while they sort through evidence. The two of wands appears to describe events in the near future, and this card speaks of scientific methods, and productive exchanges of ideas. Via this exchange of ideas, there is also a partnership of sorts: more than one person or agency will solve the crime. Also, a double meaning implied here is that more than one person must be looked at and questioned......we have multiple suspects. 

In the place of fears, we find the Hanged Man. This is a card of sacrifice, especially in the quest of knowledge. Whoever killed Jessica is very afraid of this kind of sacrifice. As a twist, Strength appears reversed in the place of environment; somehow, abuse of authority has played a role here. As of now, the guilty party is not as gratified with the murder as expected, and is mulling over new strategies for quieting down all of the attention that has been generated by it. As a final outcome for this reading, we have the Hierophant, a card of conformity, telling us that conformity is the method the killer is using to avoid detection and deflect suspicion right now. Something I find odd about this reading is the presence of an angry female influence here; I was not expecting that. While I am sure that there will be at least two suspects questioned, one may turn on the other, in return for immunity or a reduced sentence, it seems that jealousy and imagined slights were somehow the motivation for Jessica's murder. 


  1. Thank you so much for doing this reading. I have been following this case as much as I can and the cast of characters you describe definitely fit some that have been looked into as the "narrowing of suspects" continues. R.I.P dear girl. Jessica deserved to live. ♥

    1. Certainly.....I have not been able to find much on the narrowing of suspects, though. I hope Jessica gets just justice.

  2. Thankyou Juli. I hope they find her killer/s. Such a horrific violent crime, poor girl. Appreciate your time and effort.

  3. I was listening to a podcast about this and I had my cards out- i got a rather interesting result so I googled to compare- i was also getting a jealous female influence- and also pulled the hierophant as an obstacle however- and I also pulled the hanged man- the placement in mine was a little different it almost suggested to me he is already incarcerated


Ask the questions and never overlook the truth.