Thursday, January 10, 2013

What Was Behind The Shooting Of Saad Al-Hilli?

Saad Al-Hilli and his wife were both found shot to death in the Alps in 2012, and someone sent me a link to the information, asking what the Tarot would say about it. Mr. and Mrs. Al-Hilli were survived by two young daughters; this was so sad for them.

The reading gives us the Hermit, reversed, crossed by the two of pentacles. This is an element of immaturity, or denial of reality, intertwined with attempts to make new starts, probably career changes. Beneath this, we see the Page of Wands, which is a message containing good news. Saad was not expecting to be shot. As a factor in Saad's past, the ten of pentacles comes up reversed, telling us that a financial loss, possibly of an inheritance, grant, or loan was at least part of the reason this crime took place. The message is that the money was not money that Saad earned, or earned by himself.
This is followed by the Page of Wands, which is some good news that Saad had gotton before he was killed. He did not expect to get murdered. After this, we get the ten of pentacles, reveresed, which tells of financial loss, particularly of an inheritiance or grant. The money was somehow considered to not have been completely earned by Saad. A problem in the investigation is indicated by the five of wads, reversed, which points to testimony that does not line up with other findings, and with witnesses changing their stories. The three of cups reversed has to do, not only with endings, but overindulgence on the physical plane, and with greed. Could this have contributed to the motive?
The three of swords appears in the place of fears, and it is a card of betrayal and disorder. The message here is that Saad had somehow compromised someone, or had been compromised. This oftenn goes hand in hand with conflicts about ownership and legal testimony. In the place of environment, we have the ace of cups, reversed, which describes a situation of family problems! As a hope, ( of the perpetrator(s)) we get the five of cups, reversed-somehow, this killer did not think that the murders were a big deal-as if he had a "right" to do it! And the reading ends with the two of cups, reversed, which is untrue love, and "love" partnerships that are violent.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this reading Juli (and all you do). These are interesting cards. Such a sad situation, especially for the two little girls. Blessings to you.


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