Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Update On Caleigh Harrison

Caleigh Harrison, who went missing from Rockport Beach, Massachusetts, this past Spring, has still not been found. I will try to do an update to the reading I did in May, when she disappeared. For the past, I drew the two of wands, the hierophant, reversed, and the two of swords. This tells us that whatever happened, more than one person was involved, a very unreliable explanation was given both for Caleugh's disapearance and for wherever Caleigh ended up, and the search is stalled now.

For the present, we have the Page of Wands, reversed, the Moon, reversed, and the Knight of Cups. The Page of Wands is often a message or information, and upside down, this would either be bad news or no information. The Moon reversed is deception and bad luck. The Knight of Cups is a young man, betwee the ages of nineteen and about thirty-five with light brown hair and blue of hazel eyes. Somehow, such a person has a role in this. Water could also play a role.

For the future, we have Temperance, lending another watery influence, but somehow balenced; the Page of Swords, reversed, and the five of wands. I do not like this.....the Page of Swords reversed is someone with information, but who will not give it in a straightforward, honest fashion, and the five of wands represents more games and lies. Wands would also point east. I keep hoping to hear that she is found alive, but the Moon reversed really worries me.

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