Friday, April 20, 2012

Tarot On Etan Kalil Patz

On May 25, 1979, six year old Etan Kalil Patz disappeared while walking to the bus stop to go to school in Manhattan, New York. After reluctantly allowing Etan to walk to the bus stop by himself, his mother, Julie Patz, was unaware that Etan never made it to school until that afternoon, when he was not on the bus to come home. This resulted in one of the biggest missing child searches of all time, and Etan was the first child whose picture graced a milk carton. Etan was declared dead in 2001, and despite the presence of a possible suspect, was never found. The case became active again about two years ago, and new searches are in progress now.

We start with the two of wands, reversed, crossed by the six of wands. The two of wands is a card that tells of partners and joint efforts, so I am going to assume that there are two accomplices here, rather than just one. It is crossed by the six of wands, and as the six of wands is affirmative news, I think the message is clear: someone, during all these years, has deliberately kept the secret of what happened to this boy, and still does not want the location known. As a cause for the situation, we have Death, and I think this is one of the rare cases wherein the Tarot speaks literally of physical death. Usually, the Death card in a reading refers to a life-changing and often beneficial change, but this time, I think the face value of the card is the message. The next card, describing circumstances past, is the Emporer, reversed. This is a man, in an authority, or "fatherly" relationship or position to Etan, and as he is reversed, he is not kindly disposed toward Etan. He is also the perpetrator. The very best that can come of this today is the ten of cups. Usually, this card refers to a happy family situation, but here it tells us that Etan's family would like to simply know what happened, and have closure. Ten is the number of completion.The Sun follows this as something that will happen, so I think the Patz's will eventually get their answers.

The accomplice, or accomplice after the fact, may be a woman, but the reading is not very clear about the person's gender. The concerns that were running through the perpetrator's mind are represented by the two of cups, which indicates a relationship or liason that the perpetrator wanted to keep hidden. This could either be a business or a romantic relationship. Etan and his innocence is represented by the six of cups; could he have seen something that someone else did not want publicly known? Six.....that was his age when he went missing. It is how the world  sees a six year old. The card representing the perp(s) is followed by the card representing Etan and what Etan saw or thought.

A fear the perpetrator has concerning this is balence of different aspects of his life. Somehow, there has always been a possibility that his secret was not safe, and he still worries. This is the two of pentacles, yet another "two". It also shows worries about communications between two people, and the duty of "putting on airs", or "pretending": lying and covering up something. The final outcome is the seven of pentacles. This does not tell me if Etan will be found where investigators are currently digging, although digging is, indeed, an activity related to this card. It does tell me that their hard work is very likely to pay off. The seven of pentacles is a card of successful harvest. 

An interesting pattern in this reading is the presence of two "two's" followed by two "six's". Two and six are somehow key numbers here.


  1. Very interesting Juli! I almost feel like you are referring to a family member...

  2. I might be.......the reading surprised me a little. I was worried I would be flamed by the masses because it is not the scenario that has been put forth and accepted for quite a few years.

  3. You should not be flamed by anyone for putting forth what you are getting....even decades ago, letting a 6 yr old walk alone in a big city like NY seems negligent to a degree which is why I had some qualms about the official story. Judi

  4. The reading was so far from the opinion of the general population that I almost didn't publish it. I remember when it happened; my younger sister was the same age as Etan. But, like you, I never would have let her go about on her own at such a young age.....and that's anywhere, not only New York!

  5. The general population gets its opinion from the mass media which is sad. There is such superficial reporting done so to form an opinion from that is ridiculous. I was taught from a young age to believe very little of what I read, and keep an open mind. I wonder about why the parents never moved at all from that apartment all these years - almost as if they want to stay tuned in to something there, or near there. Also did anyone actually see Etan that morning other than what his parents said? When it comes to the kidnapping or abuse of children all questions have to be on the table, even if they seem "mean. Judi

  6. I, also, find it interesting that the Patz's never moved. I also wonder how carefully their apartment was searched. Nowdays, we have everything from better technology to better trained SAR dogs......I wonder how long it would have taken to find him if he had gone missing now, instead of in 1979? We were also a bit naive, as a population, about child abuse and crimes committed against children.

  7. Juli, I did argue with you and others some on the SA site, but truth be told I have questioned Stan Patz's involvement at times, too. No more. With every new lead investigator, the Patz were looked at anew and even repolygraphed.

    If you are interested in this case, you ought to research Jose Ramos or read After Etan. Ramos fits what your cards say perfectly. He was the father figure, or thought he was. He told FBI he had to "get rid" of the boy when he "finished" because people would know what he'd done. Ramos now sees that past man as someone else, "the old Jose who harmed children." He has completely separated himself in his mind. Oh, and he had a girlfriend accomplice who won't speak!

  8. Sorry! I should have mentioned...I like your tarot readings. I just think this one fits Jose Ramos....or his mind-set. I hate to think of him being released in November.

  9. I never really read much about Ramos, but from what you are telling me, he sounds like a very sick individual! I wonder why his girlfriend won't speak....unless she is culpable in some way for something he did....

    1. I think Jose's girlfriend was Etan's babysitter.

  10. Now we know, it was the bodega guy (supposedly, I am always cynical!) And he was never questioned at the time 33 yrs ago even though the store was located near the bus stop. How infuriating. He even told relatives who never spoke out (keeping the secret). He is a father now too. Your read fits well. He even hung around the bodega after it was closed. One thing is he moved away right after this, and that should have alerted authorities. His sister stayed there though and it is believed she knew. Unreal. J

  11. I guess in an environment like that, there were enough people to make questioning everyone with merely means and opportunity impractical; they were obliged to stick to those with motive, along with means and opportunity. I am still a bit skeptical, has just been soooo long! I also don't buy the "clear his conscience" story, because if he had a conscience, he would never have killed a little boy. But I guess that's just my opinion. And how could his sister know, yet not tell the Patz's what happened? That's just cruel.


Ask the questions and never overlook the truth.