Thursday, December 1, 2011

Michelle Parker

I did a Celtic Cross reading to find out what happened to Michelle Parker and why she went missing. She is a mom of three, who went missing last month from Florida. Her courtship with the father of her children has been contentious, and they appeared on "People's Court", in a dispute over an engagement ring.

The basis of the matter was Temperance, reversed, crossed by the Lovers. This message seems pretty obvious......a bad combination of ingredients, but still combined, anyway. This is based by the five of wands, indicating deception, trickery, and games. From this, I gather that the police have already heard untruths from someone. In the recent past, the eight of swords came up, indicating that one or both parties not only felt trapped, but was trapped in the relationship. The very best possible outcome here is the seven of pentacles, which deals in reaping what is sown. I interpret this to mean that the efforts to find this young woman will, one day, pay off. It may happen as a result of a search. The devil shows up as a factor that will come into play in the future. In this instance, he represents more bondage for one or both parties to this relationship and situation. The Devil also represents bondage and "being trapped" on mundane levels, so it is possible that instead of being discarded in a manner that a stranger would discard a victim, Michelle is behind lock and key somewhere on private property, for which a search warrent would be required in order to carry out a search. Either way, this is NOT the work of a stranger.

The Wheel of Fortune came up in the place of the fears of the person responsible for Michelle's disappearance. This person feels lucky, as if riding in the currents of a good cycle. The surrounding environment is the ace of wands, reversed. This means that there will be no new beginnings for this relationship, and fire may have played a role in the coverup of evidence. In the place of hopes, the Hermit came up, reversed. Someone is hoping that searches for Michelle will end, emptyhanded. The final outcome is the ace of swords, telling me that all of this will come to light, possibly with the help of testimony or a tip.

Afterthought: this reading ended with the ace of swords, and the suits of swords is associated with the element of Air, which rules communication. It is quite possible that cell phones and cell phone pings will help solve this crime. One more possibility; I feel strongly that the reversed Hermit represents an older, male accomplice in this woman's disappearance. There were at least two people involved.

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